This week, a federal court ruled that Idaho can enforce its ban on interstate travel for abortion care for minors.
To install border patrols?
The case you reference though (it's called the X case) was horrendous though. You can learn more about it here:,including%20the%20risk%20of%20suicide.
does this apply to gun laws, too? Or, nah?
(I always read a little more before commenting on decisions)
If that sounds too stupid to be real - have you seen the world recently?
Under his eye
"Uh oh"
On this side of the border, our schools are well funded. On the other side of the border, they've gone to 4 days a week.
If you're in North Idaho, and need a ride to planned patenthood, DM me.
It has been explained to me that the repercussions of them NOT having an abortion is worse. I’m not sure I agree.
Forced-birth causes great harm, and is immoral, and wrong.
Hopefully, the women that live in the 11 (or so) states w/ a ban will vote in two years during the midterm elections
Several states codified abortion rights in the last election
In the 1980's, to defend racist segregated schools, Evangelicals adopted this issue because they couldn't publicly lobby for segregation.
There's nothing wrong with abortion; neural pathways to the brain don't even *exist* until week 24 or so; the harm from abortion is entire imaginary - it exists *only* in people's imagination.
It's not normal to have kids when you're a kid.
Especially teens??
But it’s for the children. /s
And track teen periods.
And track person travel for all residents.
(In reality it will only apply to poor, brown women and will be enforced selectively as a method of control and enforcement)
The law is specific that its about parental consent.
It does not ban women from traveling to seek an abortion.
Please read before you get all angry.
We must rely on good parenting, good schooling, and common sense.
Incidence of rape continues to decline significantly.
Of the ~130,000 cases reported each yr, 1/3 are under 18 and most know their rapist. Let’s focus on that and worry less about what-ifs.
The few cases where the life of the mother has been endangered are horrific. Something needs to change there.
MDs shouldn’t be threatened with loss of licensure or imprisonment. But that doesn’t justify killing a baby for no reason.
What’shappening? Children arrested, women dying, MDs threatened, MDs leaving making it harder for people with uterus’ seek health care early. what reduces abortion rates? Folks w/uterus’ health access, expanded Medicaid, more Drs. prosecution of rapists at home/community/1