65% of millennials live “paycheck-to-paycheck”
NOT b/c millennials are somehow less responsible with $$ than our parents,
but b/c parents of millennials (boomers or genX) have hoarded more wealth than any prior generation
✨and✨ refuse to engage with their own kids, to an extent never before seen.
NOT b/c millennials are somehow less responsible with $$ than our parents,
but b/c parents of millennials (boomers or genX) have hoarded more wealth than any prior generation
✨and✨ refuse to engage with their own kids, to an extent never before seen.
Trolls are people who reply to OTHER people’s posts.
Welcome to 2025, boomer.
You’re NOT a boomer?
You just wanna know what people spend their money on.
Do they get paid weekly, every 2 weeks, or monthly?
Where do they live and what’s the cost of living?
Specifics, even hypothetical ones, matter.
Or do you have some other expertise we should be relying on?
As opposed to hoarding money, I would think those boomers are losing their potential of gold to medical bills.
Perhaps you could find a better way to find the engagement you so clearly crave.
So, I’m not allowed to tell people I’m not interested in their replies?
That’s what you’re telling me.
He told you he didn’t give a fuck about your opinion. lol
We just don’t want to hear from white baby boomers—partly because you people insist on giving trying to parent random strangers on the internet, so long as we’re younger than you are.
Just go..
That’s really weird.
If you read it and suddenly felt like you needed to center yourself in his conversation you need to ask yourself why
Be specific.
I just don’t care what white boomers have to say about pretty much anything.
I have the belief that we are all here for clarity. I've not had much success in life with just making someone wrong!
We don’t have to live by your weird personal rules.
The Christianist wealth gospel and other buyers and sellers of “trickle down” economics are the source of extreme inequity.
Some things can't be squandered.
Also, this just proves the point of the original post.
Meanwhile his daughters are all suffering and only 1 retired post age 65.
Hope he has to make the ice cubes in hell.
It's wild. Not his first time being so spiteful. When he divorced my gramma, he absorbed the grandkids' college trust.
I managed.
But my older cousin? Destined to die in 20s. G-pa screwed em