Here in Alberta, we have been buying for years from a wonderful Mexican Family's Greenhouse. But cartel...nope. Worked in Late Night industry before the pandemic - and "nope, nanda, nothing, no cartel...not even in the nightclubs.
The last time I came home to Nebraska from Saskatchewan, I was asked by US Customs if I was smuggling any guns into Montana. (Really? Montana is gundamentalist heaven.)
I really wanted to say "where in a Smart car am I going to smuggle guns" but snark at the border isn't recommended.
I wish there were Mexicans around. I love burritos, tacos, enchiladas and I'm sure there's more Mexican food that would be great to eat.
Where I live we have a lot of schwarma which is good, but I like spicier fare.
Yes. I did a transcontinental Canadian tour last summer. I usually go to Canada at least twice a year. Almost everyone that I met in Canada was Canadian.
Nope. not aware of cartels up here.
Sure, just like our neighbour to the South sometimes crime gets organized.
But our police are pretty organized too so they seem to mostly take care of that.
We lock our doors out of prudence but not fear.
Are we 30x less likely to die of a gunshot in Canada?
Puzzling. I'm 62 and have scarcely seen a mexican person around the area. I mean I probably don't notice. Is a cartel just a bunch of mexican people standing around downtown or something?
None here. Taco Tuesday yesterday from a local restaurant. Run by a nice guy who snowplows about ten of his neighbours driveway’s. Do cartels do that? I didn’t think that would be quite their thing.
Haven’t bumped into a single one either, as far as I know. This lie is of a similar “quality” as the claims that loads of Fentanyl and hords of dangerous criminals are entering 🇺🇸 from 🇨🇦. Even if this were true (it’s not), it is 🇺🇸 Boarder Security’s job to intercept the few who manage to do so.
I really wanted to say "where in a Smart car am I going to smuggle guns" but snark at the border isn't recommended.
Where I live we have a lot of schwarma which is good, but I like spicier fare.
I'd start a churro cartel
Imagine being PMJT for a moment, trying to have a sane conversation with Trump.
PMJT: your basis for the trade war is bullshit. But we have spent 1.3 B more and met all your demands anyways.
💩🍊 : not good enough
PMJT: why
💩🍊 : cartels!
PMJT: wrong country
💩🍊 : don’t care
No, no cartel sightings or news about Mexican cartels, or rumours, nothing.
Sure, just like our neighbour to the South sometimes crime gets organized.
But our police are pretty organized too so they seem to mostly take care of that.
We lock our doors out of prudence but not fear.
Are we 30x less likely to die of a gunshot in Canada?
Some very different cultural values across our shared border.