The government broke the law, violated a court order, and lied about it, and now it is telling the court "you have no right to make us reveal our misconduct to the world." These people need to be put in their place fast or this kind of criminality will continue nonstop for 4 years!
Buckle up.
Fine them.
Jail them.
Disbar them.
Or, do you have rational basis for any of the four items you list?
If you're venting, OK. No worries.
If you have rational basis, please share.
True fact. It’s the judges right to hold lawyers in contempt, fine, and/or jail them.
If we are having a constitutional crisis (100% accurate) then it’s time to use the tools available.
They won’t be afraid of the judges until they bare their claws.
Said authority isn't unbounded or without limits.
So, what's the basis for contempt, fine, jail?
(That a Judge has authority, while mostly accurate, is, at best, only half the equation.)
Obstruction, obfuscation, dishonestly, impeding the court are options for the amateur who researches what rights a judge has to find someone in contempt.
If I am wrong please correct me. That seems to be your motive.
You could just be venting or you could be serious.
If you're just venting, go forth and vent.
If you're serious, we'd like to know if you know what you're talking about.
Cause, if you're serious but don't know your shit, you're a problem.
sanity56's post seemingly regards the attorneys who represent 'the government'.
In USA, even dirtbags are entitled to representation.
If the thought is jailing attorneys who represent dirtbags is the solution to dirtbags, it's a very bad thought.
You are polishing the silver while the Republicans are stabbing you with it and all you can do is comment how nice and shiny it is.
Tell us, good sir, where is the line?
The second American Revolution is coming because we don't like Kings and their Jesters.
If the law doesn't apply, well ... no reason it should stop after four years either.
See how it works?
Drumpf 2025
Citizens United has destroyed our Republic by giving the ultra wealthy far too much influence.
And the Roberts statement:
And the chance to stick it to DOGE:
Also, this might help: