Let us #PrayTogether that broken families might find the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences. #PrayerIntention @clicktopray_en #ClickToPray
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..you didn't listen to your Soul, your Soul told you that she is violent..and actually you don't look like a Baby-take the responsibility of your Life..and be pissed about yourself 😉
..you blamed GOD..I never did..I am Adult, Independent.. could say my Life is perfect 😁.. this is what I tell People.. TAKE THE FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE,YOUR DECISIONS AND IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE..PAY AND LEARN..more simple for Dummies 😉..
Didn't stop my bride from her abuses towards me!
Frei von der Sklaverei der Sünde
Römer 6:4-6
(Seite1554)(04.03.25 21:45)
ISBN 978-3-86353-303-8