look, it’s really simple:
owns several car dealerships, can’t spell bourgeois: blue collar working class
adjunct professor surviving on black coffee and tofu, can spell bourgeois: bourgeois
owns several car dealerships, can’t spell bourgeois: blue collar working class
adjunct professor surviving on black coffee and tofu, can spell bourgeois: bourgeois
double checks next post to make sure it’s it’s not its
Is pronounced booj-wah by all of the above in SE TX or LA because it's a surname.
measured 46% of yanks cant read or write
why do you think they are in the state they are?
For some stupid reason, conservatives have decided that a government should be run like a business...
Owns means of production: bourgeois
Doesn't own means of production: not bourgeois
Not what capitalists are actually doing when they are "working"
burg -> bourg
-er -> eois
Maybe Americans should use "burgery" rather than "bourgeoisie".
That way, "haute bourgeoisie" would be written "high burgery", which would be pretty fitting, don't you think ?
But increasingly open to changing that…