The American people know who to hold responsible for a reckless Government shutdown.
Donald Trump and his Republican sycophants in Congress.
Donald Trump and his Republican sycophants in Congress.
Because all I see are liars lying and millions of people believing them.
You failed.
weak and feckless leadership.
drop the shades, forget trying to look cool, and fight, damn it
Talk to you boy Jared Golden the lone House Dem to break!
In other great news the DNC has a new jackass, i mean donkey logo
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
DC OFFICE (202)224-6542
SYRACUSE 315-423-5471
Get yourself, and every other Democrat, out there, like Sanders, town-halling deep in Red State territory.
Do it, do it now!
Don't cede an inch or he will get worse.
The Democrats have had every opportunity to stand up to this tyrant and you either did nothing or just pointed and said, “Look! The bad man is doing bad things!” The American working class and poor have no voice. You not only silenced them. You took their voice from them.
we need somebody that will lead instead of being a big weenie
V O T E. N O!!
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
(202) 224-4254.
I don't see a strategy at all?
No media, no press conferences every day, no nothing.
Just pathetic weakness at a time when the Dems need a plan and leadership.
Miedas Touch? 😂😂🤷♂️
The Dem "leadership" is a joke. A bunch of clueless fossils.
There are a few exception like AOC and Crockett and Murphy but not many
WhyTF are you not calling them out? Especially They all need to go, and you do too, if you won’t fight like hell.
Reporter: Is it time for new leadership in the Senate?
Jeffries: Next question.
It's time for new leaders. Ones who lead.
If you and Schumer fold like wet paper bags, we will remember that you are no better than Heritage and MAGA.
The people know damn well the GOP wrote this with dismantling the government in mind.
The people see the mass firings
The people see the disregard for the rule of law
The people see the GOP wants to crown Trump a king
If you give a damn about the republic, VOTE NO
Status Quo Dems: 'We will NOT stop fighting for you & our democracy!'
And yet Status Quo Dems: Hands over a blank check for the hostile gov't take-over to progress forward into full fledged Authoritarianism.
Are we understanding how this all works yet? 🖤 Need overhaul now!
You and were the useful idiots today
Now, kindly speak to Senator Schumer & remind him we're fighting fascism.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!
Team felon is hellbent on chaos
They will rush appointments, and may lift Russian sanctions
Play the game the way they do..
You need to remember who put you in office and it wasn’t AIPAC.
Maybe show an ounce of integrity and learn to respect your constituents instead of lobbyists for genocide
"If you vote for this Republican Funding Bill, you are complicit in all that DOGE, President Elon, and Trump does." Maxwell Frost
You’re so tone deaf it’s incredible. You have no plan as the “democratic” house minority leader.
You’ll be ousted and you won’t even see it coming since you’re so out of touch with voters and your base.
Represent the PEOPLE not your donors.
Republicans are extorting the American People and Senate Democrats will, rightfully, vote down this GOP con game.
Thank God the Democrats are protecting US! Trump & Republicans want to throw you under the bus. Democrats care.
timidity on this? Please push him to vote NO on Cloture!
2. Vote NO on the Republican spending bill.
The #DNC and their #leadership. You can stop this. Grow a pair and stand up to
#ForThePeople & #FromThePeople 🖕🖕🖕
A president who fully admitted that the election was rigged and is allowed to serve in office and walk all over our constitution?
Are we in a banana republic, or what
We are tired of your lack of effort.
Is she being paid for her FOX News daily appearances
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
Now can you PLEASE talk some sense into Chuck Schumer???
The alternative would be worse!!
How can that be. The overwhelming majority of Americans want you to fight… look it is real, you beed to convince Chuck he is wrong..
We deserve real leadership.
Not the pathetic whimpering from you!
We can handle all the shutdown they want to play. We are united. Don't let anyone tell you different. America will not die today.
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
Stop. Stop tyranny.
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Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
You can leave a message now for his VM is available. (202) 224-4254
Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
You can leave a message now for his VM is available. (202) 224-4254
Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
At least surprise MAGA in the Senate & vote NAY.They are so sure DEMs will bend the knee
& they are wrong..right?
They’ll shut it down anyway by other MAGA tricks
You can leave a message now for his VM is available. (202) 224-4254
Sneator Kristin Gillibrand (202) 224-4451
We’re going to vote EVERY DEMOCRAT OUT regardless of how they voted individually.
#StandTogether or we #ThrowTheBumsOut
#ShutItDown or we will #VoteYouOut !
I had a lot of hope but you’re not up to being in leadership through this fight.
You should be holding rallies, appearing on podcasts, Public Radio & tv.