🌍 Do you speak a language other than English? I need your help!
I’m working on a landing page, and a little easter egg is that the tagline can be translated into a bunch of different languages.
If you’re a native speaker, I’d love if you could review my machine translations. ❤️
Thread 🧵
I’m working on a landing page, and a little easter egg is that the tagline can be translated into a bunch of different languages.
If you’re a native speaker, I’d love if you could review my machine translations. ❤️
Thread 🧵
Here’s the English:
> Learn how to create charming interactions and delightful touches using the magic of CSS, JavaScript, SVG, and Canvas.
> I’m sharing all my tricks in this one!
And if you speak a language not listed here, I’d love to include it! Plz send at end of thread.
> Apprenez à créer des interactions charmantes et des touches géniales en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
> Je partage toutes mes trucs!
But I think
> Je partage ici toutes mes astuces !
is better. Also note the space before the !
> Aprenda a crear interacciones encantadoras y detalles encantadores utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
> ¡En este artículo comparto todos mis trucos!
> CSS、JavaScript、SVG、Canvas の魔法を使って、魅力的なインタラクションと楽しいタッチを作成する方法を学びます。
> このチュートリアルでは、私が使ったすべてのトリックを紹介します。
(Also, it appears spaces aren’t a thing in Japanese, but I need to wrap spans around each word for a separate easter egg effect; can you plz add spaces between words?)
> CSS、 JavaScript、 SVG、 Canvas の 魔法 を 使って、 魅力的な インタラクション と 楽しい タッチ を 作成 する 方法 を学びます。
> この チュートリアルで は、 私 が 使った すべて の トリック を紹介 します。
I'm not a good enough speaker to comment on the naturalness
> Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Magie von CSS, JavaScript, SVG und Canvas charmante Interaktionen und reizende Details schaffen.
> Hier verrate ich Ihnen alle meine Tricks!
> とっておきの テクニック、ここで ぜんぶ 紹介 するよ!
Coming from a native speaker! Included spaces (for visual purposes)
> CSS、JavaScript、SVG、Canvasのマジックを使って、魅力的なインタラクションや楽しい仕掛けを作る方法を学びます。
> このチュートリアルで、私のテクニックをすべて紹介します!
And we use emojis even at work to express friendly, casual, and playful feelings🤗
Aprenda a crear interacciones (cautivadoras / sorprendentes) y detalles encantadores utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
Everything else looks good
> Aprende a crear interacciones agradables y detalles encantadores usando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas
>¡En este artículo comparto todos mis trucos!
In the original Spanish version, both charming and delightful are being translated using the same adjective
I also changed “Aprenda” for “Aprende” which addresses the reader more personally (I’m sure there’s a word for it but I’m not a linguist 😂).
Hope it helps!
Aprende a crear interacciones cautivadoras y detalles encantadores utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
¡Comparto todos mis trucos en este!
Se me queda un poco coja la última frase. 😊
¡Comparto todos mis trucos en este!
¿'Este' qué?
Lo pondría como en francés: ¡Comparto todos mis trucos!
¡Aquí tienes todos mis trucos!
Aprende a crear interacciones y detalles encantadores, utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
> Aprenda a crear interacciones y detalles encantadores utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
> ¡En este artículo comparto todos mis trucos!
Spanish from Spain… don’t know if that will sound ok to an american spanish speaker.
> Aprende a crear interacciones únicas y detalles encantadores con la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
> ¡Aquí comparto todos mis trucos!
This version shows the *intention* and sounds *natural*, also *neutral* across all Spanish dialects ;)
> ¡Aquí comparto todos mis trucos!
Take special attention not to say "artículo", given that this is not a blog post :). You could also say "En este curso" if you want to specify.
En este artículo comparto mi trucos.
"Séduisantes" instead of "charmantes" ou 'attirantes",
"Charmantes" would be "cute"
"delightful touches" : "détails enchanteurs"
Apprenez à créer des interactions séduisantes et des détails enchanteurs en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
Je partage tous mes trucs!
Apprenez à créer des interactions captivantes et des touches raffinées grâce à la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
Je vous partage toutes mes astuces!
> Apprenez à créer des interactions élégantes et des détails géniaux en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
> Je vous partage tous mes secrets !
Hope that helps ✨
> Apprenez à créer des interactions attirantes et des touches géniales en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
> Je vous partage toutes mes astuces!
I also added "vous" at the end which means "with you".
Only part I'd change is:
> Je partage tous mes trucs
(In other words, I do kinda speak it but it’s very choppy 😅)
(Also sorry for the lack of accents, I don’t know how to type them)
This should be better a little better
> Apprenez à créer des interactions et ajoutez des petites touches de génie en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
> Je partage tous mes trucs!
Découvrez comment créer des interactions charmantes et des touches pleines de magie grâce à CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
Je vous dévoile toutes mes astuces ici !
I think this sounds more idiomatic
> Apprenez à créer d’agréables interactions et des finitions géniales en utilisant la magie de CSS, Javascript, SVG et Canvas.
> Je partages toutes mes astuces ici !
"Apprenez à créer d'agréables interactions dans un style unique, en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas
Je vous partage toutes mes astuces ! "
Apprenez à créer de charmantes interactions avec une patte exquise en utilisant la magie de CSS, JavaScript, SVG et Canvas.
Je partage toutes mes astuces !
Please rephrase what you mean by "touche" in English , could have couple meanings in french , you mean as in "personal details" ?
It reminds me of the use in painting, putting color with the tip of a brush. Impressionists used it a lot.
So a translation would be "avec des touches de génie".
Apprenez à créer des interactions charmantes et des touches délicieuses en utilisant la magie du CSS, du JavaScript, du SVG et du Canvas.
Je partage toutes mes astuces dans ce cours !
Yeah, Google Translate gave me "astuces", which is a word I've never heard despite going to French school for 6 years. Wonder if it's a Quebec difference?
Gonna go with yours regardless, thanks!
He's French
>Lær hvordan du kan skape magiske interaksjoner og sjarmerende detaljer med CSS, JavaScript, SVG og Canvas.
> Jeg deler alle mine triks i denne!
I’m adding credits under each translation, let me know if you’d prefer to be credited as something other than "Kyrre" (or removed entirely).
> സിഎസ്എസ്, ജാവാസ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്, എസ്വിജി, കാൻവാസ് എന്നിവയുടെ മാജിക് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ആകർഷകമായ ഇൻ്ററാക്ഷൻസും ആനന്ദകരമായ ടച്ചസും എങ്ങനെ സൃഷ്ടിക്കാമെന്ന് മനസിലാക്കുക.
> എൻ്റെ എല്ലാ രഹസ്യങ്ങളും ഞാൻ ഇതിൽ പങ്കിടുന്നു!
But please feel free to change this if better suggestions are made of course!
If it would be more natural to say the equivalent of "create wonderful experiences on the web using the magic…", that’s totally alright 👍
> സിഎസ്എസ്, ജാവാസ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്, എസ്വിജി, കാൻവാസ് എന്നിവയുടെ മാജിക് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് എങ്ങിനെ ഉപഭോക്താവിന് ആകർഷകവും ആനന്ദകരവും ആയ അനുഭവങ്ങൾ സമ്മാനിക്കാമെന്ന് മനസ്സിലാക്കാം.
> എൻ്റെ എല്ലാ രഹസ്യങ്ങളും ഞാൻ ഇതിൽ പങ്കിടുന്നു!
Í þessum mun ég deila öllum brellibrögðunum mínum!
Icelandic :)
I’m adding small credits below the translations, let me know if you’d like to be credited as something other than "dorag"
> Tanuld meg, hogyan hozhatsz létre lenyűgöző interakciókat és kellemes hatásokat a CSS, a JavaScript, az SVG és a Canvas varázslatos eszközeivel.
> Itt mutatom be az összes trükkömet!
Nauči da kreiraš šarmantne interakcije i očaravajuće detalje koristeći magiju CSSa, Javascripta, SVGa i Canvasa.
Could I trouble you to translate the second line as well, "I’m sharing all my tricks in this one!"
(If "in this one" doesn't make sense in Montenegrin, it could also be "in this course". And feel free to take some liberties, doesn't have to be a direct 1:1 translation!)
You can put Ivan Jovanović 😊
Lær, hvordan du skaber charmerende interaktioner og fortryllende detaljer ved hjælp af CSS, JavaScript, SVG og Canvas.
Jeg deler alle mine tricks!
>Învață să creezi interacțiuni fermecătoare și detalii adorabile folosind magia CSS, JavaScript, SVG și Canvas.
>Aici și acum poți afla toate trucurile mele!
>Aici și acum îmi poți afla toate trucurile!
Vi rivelerò tutti i miei segreti in questo [name of the thing].
The course is called "Whimsical animations", but this translation is displayed right below that name. Is there a way to say "in this course" or something more generic?
Last question: I’m adding credits below each translation. I have you tentatively as "Pablo", let me know if you’d prefer something else (or would prefer not to be credited at all).
Aprende a crear interacciones divertidas y con toques encantadores utilizando la magia de CSS, JavaScript, SVG y Canvas.
¡En este articulo encontrarás todos mis secretos!
למדו כיצד ליצור אינטראקציות מקסימות ונגיעות שובות לב באמצעות הקסם של CSS, Javascript ו-canvas.
בקורס זה אחלוק איתכם את כל הטריקים שלי!
Also, I translated "this one" to "this course" for lack of a better direct translation
And yeah, it’s been a good opportunity for me to learn about RTL languages on the web!
> Lär dig att skapa charmerande interaktioner och förtjusande detaljer med magin i CSS, Javascript, SVG och Canvas.
> Här får ni alla mina tips!
The adjectives feels a bit wrong but it’s a start 😊
I’ve seen both @paolo.ricciuti.me and @lucacolonnello.bsky.social suggestions, but since I worked on marketing for a bit I think that mine suits better (kudos to them for inspiration)
To maintain a friendly, casual and playful tone I whould write something like this:
Thread 🧵
> Scoprirai tutti i miei segreti!
Instead of
> Impara come creare
Because “come” is a bit too literal translation
Source: https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/imparare/
Is the best adaptation of
> charming animations and delightful touches
That I can think of, but there’s a lot of room for changes here
- https://www.wordreference.com/enit/charming
- https://www.wordreference.com/enit/delightful
It’s not a literal translation because if it was it would mean something else.
A bit of context of where this will end up can help a lot to shape this last sentence.
Qui condivido tutti i miei segreti!
Bahasa Indonesia:
> Pelajari cara menciptakan interaksi yang memikat dan sentuhan menarik dengan sihir CSS, JavaScript, SVG, dan Canvas.
> Saya akan membagikan semua trik saya di sini!
"Opi luomaan hurmaavia vuorovaikutuksia ja ihastuttavia parannuksia käyttämällä CSS:n, JavaScriptin, SVG:n ja Canvasin taikuutta."
"Jaan kaikki temppuni tässä!"
I’m adding credits below each translation, let me know if you’d like me to use something other than "PanDemic Sub Mousewifey" (or if you’d prefer not to be mentioned at all).
Thanks again!
formal language
> Aprenda a fazer interações sofisticadas e detalhes refinados utilizando CSS, Javascript, SVG e Canvas.
> Neste conteúdo, compartilho todas minhas melhores técnicas
but also can be simplified, like:
> Vou mostrar todos os meus truques nesta explicação
Nauč se vytvářet okouzlující interakce a všelijaká zpestření pomocí kouzla CSS, JavaScriptu, SVG a Canvas!
Entdecke, wie du mit der Magie von CSS, JavaScript, SVG und Canvas spielerische Interaktionen und liebevolle Details erschaffen kannst.
At least that is my experience with English, Spanish and Swedish.
The disadvantage is that they focus on the Latin-based alphabets :/.
PS: Even this text was rewritten by DeepL!
> Naučite kako stvoriti šarmantne interakcije i očaravajuće detalje koristeći čaroliju CSS-a, JavaScript-a, SVG-a i Canvas-a.
> Pokazat ću vam sve svoje trikove!
I had to translate the last one as "I'll show you all my tricks" because "In this one" doesn't work in Croatian
Lär dig att skapa charmiga interaktioner och förtrollande inslag med hjälp av magin i CSS, JavaScript, SVG och Canvas.
Jag delar med mig av alla mina knep i denna!
Lär dig att skapa lockande interaktioner och charmiga inslag med hjälp av magin i CSS, JavaScript, SVG och Canvas.
I’m adding credits for each translation. I have you in now as "neveraskedforthis", but let me know if you’d prefer something else! Or if you’d prefer not to be credited.
Scopri come creare interazioni avvincenti e dare un tocco speciale con CSS, JavaScript, SVG e Canvas.
Qui è dove vi rivelo tutti i miei trucchi!
Scopri come creare fantastiche interazioni e dettagli raffinati usando tutta la magia di CSS, JavaScript, SVG e Canvas.
Qui ti rivelo tutti i miei trucchi!
> Lær hvordan man kan lave dejlige reaktioner og spændende effekter ved hjælp af magien i JavaScript, SVG og Canvas
> Du kan se alle mine tricks her!
Poznaj sposoby tworzenia zachwycających interakcji z uroczymi detalami, z użyciem magii CSS, JavaScript, SVG i Canvas.
Zdradzam wszystkie moje triki!
I’m adding credits below each translation, let me know if you’d prefer to be called something other than "Damian" (or if you’d prefer not to be mentioned at all).
> Leer hoe je charmante interacties en betoverende details creëert met behulp van CSS, JavaScript, SVG en Canvas.
> Ik deel al mijn trucs!
Foghlaim conas idirghníomhaíochtaí mealltacha agus mionsonraí taitneamhacha a chruthú ag baint úsáide as draíocht CSS, JavaScript, SVG, agus Canvas.
Táim ag roinnt mo chleasanna go léir!
Go n’éirí an t-adh leat! (Good luck!)
I’m adding credits below each translation, let me know if you’d prefer to be listed as something other than "Wicked Hedgehog" (or if you’d prefer not to be mentioned at all)
Tá na scamaill sa spéir, agus tá an fear an phoist ag ithe CSS, JavaScript agus SVG. Bá mhaith liom dul go dí an leathreas.
@Mark- that was a really lousy thing to do. Someone’s trying to do something important and you pull this?
But there’s no harm 😄 I do double-check all of these, and the randomness of Google’s translation did make me chuckle.
Lá mhaith agat a chara.
I absolutely overreacted- tá an-bhrón orm a chara…
> 學習如何建造互動性完美、觸感輕盈的網站──威力本源 CSS、JavaScript、SVG 和 Canvas。
> 本文將與您分享我所知道的全部。
After spaces are added:
> 學習 如何 建造 互動性 完美 、 觸感 輕盈 的 網站 ── 威力 本源 CSS 、 JavaScript 、 SVG 和 Canvas 。
> 本文 將 與 您 分享 我 所知道 的全部 。