Firstly, that skidmark deserves zero respect, has no qualifications or intellectual capacity for the role of VP, and secondly, just tried to pull of the most childish and embarrassing ambush ever seen in international diplomacy - it's regarded by most globally as hugely damaging to the US reputation
It's not dumb for Russia, because it gives them something to explain away why they are being so shit in this 3-day-war.
It also supports their narrative that smaller countries and nations should have no agency, which is how Russia gets to demand other countries become Russia just because.
He got so triggered when Zelenskyy exposed him by throwing on his face that he’s never even been in Ukraine. This is when asshat shit his pants and started the pathetic, idiotic “you’re not even thankful” rant.
American tax payers think their money has gone exclusively to helping Ukraine...not their own roads , their own none of that.
of course they also don't know Ukraine pays for the UNPROVOKED BARBARIC war through their taxes too, but that thought never enters their thick heads.
Those types of people have to justify to themselves how their idols have never made their lives any better. To them it must be that their idol doesn’t have the funds despite running up the largest deficit in US history.
That's shocked me in 2022. Foreigners saw our cities on videos and was like "i never thought Ukraine is beautiful etc. like wtf did you all think we are cavemen or what?
Wally still thinks he “owns the libs”. He doesn’t know he and his MAGAt bros are going to be among the first of the “parasite population” that Krasnov and Project 25 company plan to eradicate.
also he skis like a complete ninny
He just committed a murder.
Two of them, actually.
(Yes, I know what that word really means.)
Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
But since Ukraine *is* Europe, it’s really just North Korea using Russia to attack Europe.
This proxy war narrative/framing is dumb as hell...
It also supports their narrative that smaller countries and nations should have no agency, which is how Russia gets to demand other countries become Russia just because.
He got so triggered when Zelenskyy exposed him by throwing on his face that he’s never even been in Ukraine. This is when asshat shit his pants and started the pathetic, idiotic “you’re not even thankful” rant.
Bowman can eat a bag of dicks.
Perhaps I should write that in cyrillic.
Уолли Бонбонс глупый
of course they also don't know Ukraine pays for the UNPROVOKED BARBARIC war through their taxes too, but that thought never enters their thick heads.
Like, send them some sunflower seeds, they"re done.
Thank you.