I hate adding this here because I hate being in need but while you’re here if you could share ⬇️ or help at all I’d really appreciate it. I know empathy is a sin but I’m gonna ask you to sin anyway. we’re all going to hell, I just want to stay housed until I get there
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
and that is what they do. they out faith in something that is purely imaginary and then try to make everyone think it is real. nonsense. the true sinner is the one who tries to divide us for his own personal gain. the gain is the orange stain.
I mean, I *only* been to a Christian school and went through the whole baptism and conformation thing but last I checked Empathy was the thing we should all be doing according to the big lad high above
This describes your heroes Trump and Musk
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect
I am a sinner
I move salamanders and toads from trail so they don't get stepped on
I've searched for the lost and sat with the dead
I support wildlife rehab and conservation organizations
And so on..
My penance is 5 "You Go Girl's" and an extra nice snack so i can go sin some more...
The sin of empathy🤔 clearly Ben is a moron who’s never read the Bible, but I’m sure he believes he’s a great Christian ““ the part of the” Christian nationalist” disgusting but. Wonderful that they show their true colors. She shows what a wonderful kind woman she is. She wins they lose. 👍
Oh, I won't commit this "sin" of empathy: On ANY SINGLE ONE of you horrendously vile Reich Wing beasts. Not that you had any yourself, anyhow, but at least I finally got one of you high ranking ones in living color to say what you lot of been denying all this time.
When I lived in a red state area, a church marquis said "tolerance is just another word for acceptance" and it took me a while to figure out the headspace of a group of people that call themselves Christian yet believe both are bad
Not only is empathy *not a sin, it is of the essence of the Holy Spirit’s influence on the human heart.
Also, calling a bishop in the catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ a *snake!? Agree or not on doctrinal issues or civil/political issues, it’s un-Christian to do such a thing.
He's probably a Christian identity guy. Despite the name, they're white nationalists who think white people are God's chosen people. He probably also believes in 'great replacement' so by calling for mercy, you're calling for the eradication/dilution of 'God's chosen people'. Evil shit.
I think it's more specifically white nationalism cloaked in Christianity. A lot of Christian nationalists are actually alright with non-white people existing bc that's not in conflict with the growth and propagation of the religion. Jehovahs witness were famously tolerant in a very racist period
I can’t tell you how much I love this Pope. I left the Catholic Church about 2 years ago. Most of the Catholics in my parish couldn’t stand the Pope, because he was kind and promoted mercy and love. Make it make sense.
Also, the seven virtues have been cancelled.
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect
The sin of empathy, lol.
I move salamanders and toads from trail so they don't get stepped on
I've searched for the lost and sat with the dead
I support wildlife rehab and conservation organizations
And so on..
My penance is 5 "You Go Girl's" and an extra nice snack so i can go sin some more...
Pretty sure it's at least 75% misogyny.
God's enemy
Hates God
Hate in response
Shall not pity
Sounds like a demagogue to me.
Kinda wondering what this fool think Empathy actually means.
Next the trump will do a Henry the 8th & declare himself the head of the church of maga
Also, calling a bishop in the catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ a *snake!? Agree or not on doctrinal issues or civil/political issues, it’s un-Christian to do such a thing.
Mine says, "Love one another." Does mine have a misprint?
Modern Christians: "Brutalize your neighbors, steal their property, and out them in work camps to increase billionaire profits"
I'm no believer, and no Christian, but if I were ever to change my mind, it's people like her would do it.
Certainly not Mr Tango Biff Tannen- he's more like the anti-christ than not!
church regularly passes out snakes.