so much of modern conservatism is rooted in the idea that "the left" is poisoning children to turn against their parents and the ideals their parents raised them with when what is really happening is your kids are just growing up and realizing you're a complete asshole all on their own
To see the “You can’t read/watch Harry Potter b’cuz wItChCrAfT” people fall into the MAGA hole is one thing, but to see middle-of-the-road folk I grew up respecting go off the rails? It’s very bizarre and sad.
Like, what the hell even happened there???
My parents I think have fallen into a (large) group of people that don’t like either candidate, but in 2020 and I think this year find Trump just too detestable.
Child abuse is a domain of white colonialism
It's funny cuz it's true.
We have a lot of our parents in us, we are not our parents.
the time each of us took to fully deconstruct their beliefs varied, but the rift b/w us and our parents has only grown, esp. after the GOP embraced the conspiracist far-right
the idea that kids just naturally find their parents' death-worshipping views unacceptable at face value isn't in the question. it must be a rapid mental infestation that will some day go away