The Oculus buyout was pretty clearly Thiel using Facebook as a piggy bank to elevate one of his neofascist protégés into demi-billionaire status. Given the amount of money rolling through Meta’s VR efforts to no obvious return, I wouldn’t be surprised to find that this is an ongoing funding source.
The whole thing is *chef's kiss*. Compare and contrast the larded-up puffery of the Oculus Rift primary page with the rather obviously lawyerly text of the ZeniMax v. Oculus page.
Would need triple spacing for what's written between the lines.
Although financially it worked out for John, so, maybe he gets it and we don’t.
What’s special about Luckey? Same Valley fairy dust that made Theranos a thing. Luckey, bless his pointy little head, fits the hype parameters.'s,emulation%20to%20bring%20them%20back.&text=In%201993%2C%20Sega%20made%20a,bring%20VR%20to%20the%20masses.
Garage? Check!
Duct tape? Check!
Hacker kid? Check!
College dropout? Check! (Ideally the Farm, but whatev)
It’s a formula. Also a failure.
Pro tip: “garage” is a red flag
My unremarkable jaundiced view: a big SV elite cadre make molto bacon deftly exploiting SV’s post-80s mythology, often with…how you say...*limited* technical chops