Witches…here is the information on our Protect Our Protesters Ceremony we’ll be doing on the 18th. I’ve also created a Protection Sigil. More about that in the comments.
#WitchSky #PaganSky
#Witch #WitchCraftSky
#OccultSky #WeCoWitchSky
#WitchSky #PaganSky
#Witch #WitchCraftSky
#OccultSky #WeCoWitchSky
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Thank you for your participation in 2020!🤍 And this energy gathering is great idea especially if one can't physically be there😊
I will also try to participate in this amazingly wonderful energy opportunity.
I will be with you all, in spirit , no matter what.
Thank you, Unwicked, for your leadership and to all for your protection.
And Thank you! Appreciate you as well! 🤍
(I orient to the west to honor the fire element in my daily practice-as the western sun provides so much warmth and light to my home and hearth.)
I have a lot of charge I can spare and what better an outlet
I cannot go to the march, but I would like to provide what little I can.
Totally understand if it's a no, especially if it was specific to that day.
Fly high, witches!