It's what they do, some bears shit in the woods, some bears catch salmon at the river, some bears even are advocates in fire safety, they're the bears that wipe ass and sell toilet paper.
It's what they do.
And they literally don’t talk about ANYTHING else. Average sentence out of their mouth is “Hi son! I just love wiping my crack with toilet paper!” WHO TALKS LIKE THAT
it's why the father bear got his voice replaced in those commercials. The actor clearly got too into the role and wiped someone's ass with his cock unwillingly
I'd always heard the phrase "shooting the shit" and given the stereotype of the US I'd assumed you guys used the shockwaves of high powered firearms to literally blast your arses clean.
Tho on the far right it's considered gay to wipe your ass, so showing your shit encrusted cheeks will earn you cred with Elon Musk, Ted Nugent, and other right wing manchild pedophiles.
Do you remember when that toilet roll company was all like "do you fold or do you scrunch?" And everyone was all like "ewww gross leave us alone creeper" and now the world is on fire? Yeah turns out it was our last chance, if we'd just got everyone folding consumption of trees would have gone down.
Bear to the rabbit: Does shit stick to your fur?
Rabbit to bear: No, I have no problem with that.
So the bear shit in the woods and wiped his ass with the rabbit. There was no Charmin to be had at the time...
It's what they do.
it's why the father bear got his voice replaced in those commercials. The actor clearly got too into the role and wiped someone's ass with his cock unwillingly it part of American culture to come out of the toilet to display and parade your shit free arse to the rest of the family?
I'd always heard the phrase "shooting the shit" and given the stereotype of the US I'd assumed you guys used the shockwaves of high powered firearms to literally blast your arses clean.
So, the bears were quite a surprise.
Tho on the far right it's considered gay to wipe your ass, so showing your shit encrusted cheeks will earn you cred with Elon Musk, Ted Nugent, and other right wing manchild pedophiles.
Rabbit to bear: No, I have no problem with that.
So the bear shit in the woods and wiped his ass with the rabbit. There was no Charmin to be had at the time...