We held the floor all night to fight the GOP plan to gut health care to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest few.
Now I'm strategizing with NY labor leaders, healthcare advocates, organizers on how we’re going to keep fighting the GOP plan to help their billionaire buddies.
This is for the people.
Now I'm strategizing with NY labor leaders, healthcare advocates, organizers on how we’re going to keep fighting the GOP plan to help their billionaire buddies.
This is for the people.
Remember, McConnell from the outset said his goal was to make Obama a one-term President. He failed at that but denied Democrats a LOT of victories, including Supreme Court.
We no longer believe the Democratic Party has our best interest in mind.
I’m willing to bet 50% of the country now believes the government as a whole no longer cares about the people.
Yall fucked.
He's brilliant
He's funny
He's real
His hair is stunning
Find a way to slam the administration with a barrage of lawsuits! Do what he is doing, ATTACK THEM, don’t just block his cheap shots!
Kill three people and you’re a serial killer, Kill Millions and you’re a Republican.
#4 - If the strategy you are playing led to numerous consecutive losses of the most dearest things, and you don’t change that strategy, YOU are the problem!
#3 In his long tenure, The American Taliban grabbed the White House, Senate and House!
#2 - Getting elected is NOT an indication of competence! I present to you the current Speaker of The House….
#1 - Direct experience does not water down ones observance in any way shape or form. I have a degree in U.S. Political History and have been watching this clown for decades. Does that count?
For the people!
"We held the floor all night" refers to what Senator? Specifically? Place & dates
STOP the pretense of action - talking is not action & we are losing SO MUCH in this Country START DOING
YOU are destroying the Dem party
Your career of employment ostensibly fighting for we the people of NY has been you TALKING & working hard to give the impression of working hard without ACTION
Of course the Dems won't. Their message for decades has been "vote for us because we're not them."
You should also call Senators & Reps that aren't yours. We need to light fires under asses!
Clog their DC & home state office phone lines!
People called me crazy for saying this. NOW the proof is here.
Everything that is happening is just Russia destroying our democracy.
Check this statement by ex-KGB agent.
Trump will be addressing a joint session of Congress and the Dems have an opportunity to show solidarity against his regime by walking out of the chamber en masse as soon as he begins to speak.
All the Democrats walking out would just be giving them what they want.
What they should do is stay and make it known whenever he lies.
If we're asking them for stuff at least ask for the most effectual stuff.
The base is pissed at the lack of leadership in fighting back against this administration (who outlined their plan in a 900 page document!).
Play ostrich all you want, but that’s the reality.
Get out and start getting rowdy with your Republican colleagues.
They know what they are doing is wrong.
They are being blackmailed and extorted and threatened to vote the way they vote.
There was no replace.
Most social media is owned by Trumpers.
Congressional Dems are doing their jobs to work for us in the ways they actually can. The do not have power to stop, only impede. Screaming that Dems are doing nothing is working alongside MAGA ... against Dems.
If we can’t win some of trumps horrible policies in the senate can’t governors enact safeguards? For example abortion. Why do some states have abortion bans but no safeguards do they can be treated by drs
J Edgar wasn’t the best , but Kash is the devil incarnate compared to him.
Did...did you all just figure that out?
Don't cut my Medicaid! Medicare, and SSI nor SSDI.