I stood with @sanders.senate.gov, @murray.senate.gov, House Members, labor leaders to reintroduce the PRO Act.
With Trump—Billionaires win. Workers lose.
We need the PRO Act to empower hardworking Americans to have a seat at the table to bargain for better wages, benefits, working conditions.
With Trump—Billionaires win. Workers lose.
We need the PRO Act to empower hardworking Americans to have a seat at the table to bargain for better wages, benefits, working conditions.
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Answer these questions. You owe us.
Oh that's right, you and your old dem guard were busy with small signs & being cowards since you're too senile to see the writing on the wall to #PASSTHEDAMNTORCH TO THE NEXT GEN OF DEMS!
Dem caucus needs a 24/7 war room. A Manhattan Project of political gamesmanship and litigation. You are NOT unified with as a party unless you are MOBILIZED FOR OPPOSITION.
Divide & Conquer is at least as old as Julius Caesar. Get with it. Do your part. Resist.
Too much INSIDER TRADING going on within the Democratic Party that these clowns forgot who they work for.
You think that "organizing" is the answer to "Do something"?
Honey, you needed to have been organizing MONTHS ago.
You are so out of touch. If you honestly love this country you would STEP ASIDE.
If you don't know what to do against *Russian agent* President #Krasnov then let younger people come to the fore-
We need an audit/investigation into the 2024 election. @electiontruth.bsky.social (Election Truth Alliance) has been analyzing the data and found multiple extreme instances of "anomalies": evidence Republicans rigged the election in favor of Trump. #VerifyTheVote
How about some kind of anti Trump ad let them know what he lies about or pressure the fake news about fact reporting
Stop talking. Start standing.
You are not doing enough by following the rules. Your opponent is not following them and they are running circles around you.
Step down if you aren’t willing to stand up.
Unregister as a Democrat.
These guys want the nation to burn; theyre going to wait it out, sitting on their hands, assuming that despair will bring easy donations and votes flowing in later.
If Dems would’ve all walked out last nite headlines would be about Dems today
You brought little signs and were bad boys & girls
So, everything’s about tRump today, again
Another lost opportunity WHEN will you get serious?