like every religious system, Christianity has regularly been mobilized and interpreted in the service of unconscionable ends
but to my mind what we are seeing on the right in the United States is something else -- the emergence of an almost Nietzschean, if not outright nihilist, ...
but to my mind what we are seeing on the right in the United States is something else -- the emergence of an almost Nietzschean, if not outright nihilist, ...
Catholicism was to be sure long anti-liberal -- but that Church was also hostile to modernity, and however committed to arrangements allying throne and altar took Christian ethics and things like humility and universality ...
In the US American evangelicals certainly produced the battalions who made the Reagan Revolution and GWB possible, but they took engagement with Scripture _very_ seriously, and ...
Here, I think we are faced with something altogether new. Scripture doesn't matter. Tradition doesn't matter. The Decalogue doesn't matter. The Magisterium doesn't matter. Constituted religious authority doesn't matter.
I don't know what to call this, but
First century Christians had no organization beyond the local congregation's organization.
First century Christians were not focused on promoting or defending civil governments.
Neither Walsh nor Bergoglio are focused on the Bible's agenda.
Believing lies destroys minds.