Oklahoma Superintendant Ryan Walters is clearly overstepping his bounds by forcing schools to show a prayer video that prays for Donald Trump.
What about all of the non-Christian students?
This is INSANE.
What about all of the non-Christian students?
This is INSANE.
We all told him to kick rocks.
My district sent this out. Most sent out the same b
Intent is important.
Good luck Oklahoma. 😬
Where is the ACLU?
Rev. Benjamin Cremer
Something Hitler would do.
It’s utterly offensive and harmful to show preference of one religion over another.
It’s segregation prioritizing a particular belief system. “Here are the Christians and those over there are not.” It’s so wrong and harmful.
Handmaids Tale
#GoToSchoolboardMeetings !
if you look up asshole in the dictionary....it's him standing next to trump
F himself! Ppl like him mage me not like religion! & I was raised catholic! My Italian grandma would be crying right now.
And this guy..... fucking search his hard drives now. If I have learned anything from people who are this overzealous about religion, he's got a TON of child porn.
A fookin' dangerous loon!
If there is not MAJOR intervention--at every level, we will not survive this time!
Where IS THE OUTRAGE? This does not feel like a nation that was just taken over by the worst among us!