Been visiting several on a trip to the pacific NW. agree - they have all been a cut above what I have experienced in the recent past. Brighter, better laid out, more inventory
Same thing happened to Waterstones over here, they were going down the toilet business wise and suddenly had a massive facelift and wow what a difference.
I got the new D&D players handbook. I expected it would be an exception but it wasn’t.
As a reward I treated him to dinner from Chino Bandido 🐼
(We totally got it tho)
Now if it was #Buccees then that would make sense. 👍😁
Barnes and Noble
Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Best Buy
Not Great:
Any gas station that’s not Buc-cees
Olive Garden
The Mall (any really)
I keep that knowledge in my head, along with my math. 🤔🤔🤔👍🤣
Yet... I'm a hypocrite because... well... I buy books from Amazon.