For anyone about to refer to the storm, this is the old style of cargo ship hatch for which battens are required to secure it for sea (regardless of storms). Battens secure the canvas over the hatchboards and are themselves held in place by wedges hammered in behind the cleats.
I think wedges were driven in from the forward end so any weather would push them in/tighter.
I'll get my coat.... 🤣
You get a ⭐
Maddeningly I no longer have any of my old seamanship text books so I had to really hunt about on the internet to even find that diagram.
(Not even the Norries bible.....)
For a long moment after hitting send I thought I'd got it wrong & humiliated myself (not for the first time!)
Thanks. Great diagram.
We'll be doing angle of loll next....
At that point it will probably involve M before G,, a French battleship and a tale of woe.
FYI the wedges' wide ends face forward so that the weather cannot force them out.