Let's be honest, English regional gov neither fosters a shared identity or is very efficient (unlike say Germany's).
Labour is willing to take on this challenge, this big idea. But as the Quiet Riot points out, it's just a money-saving exercise; identity doesn't come into it.
Labour is willing to take on this challenge, this big idea. But as the Quiet Riot points out, it's just a money-saving exercise; identity doesn't come into it.
So when Brexit came about, esp. after #Indy1, the English had opposition to Europe as identity
Maybe. But in a conflict between first minister Farage, leader of the English parliament, and PM Cameron in Westminster using Celtic votes to "thwart the will of the (English) people", who'd win?
I call them the Russia solution.
And the Prussia solution.
The solution here was to break up Prussia into many of the famous Laender that make up Germany today.
Done correctly and skilfully, regional government organisation and making those regions the units of the UK, could make that state not just function, but survive.
(I doubt Whitehall will face this big idea.)
The idea of him being popular enough to be English FM is itself vapour.
He does better when areas are very polarised and the majority have given up with both sides.
He is best suited to short statements before vanishing down his burrow again.
Last year, my (German) ex wife had to run around town to find a fax machine because one govt dept would only accept documents by fax.
I am not making this up, I promise.
German govt is definitely not efficient!
Yes, backwardness on technology is startling - just try paying by card.