This is what we mean when we say capitalism ruins everything.
My niece took an allergy test, and it turns out she's allergic to one special substance. It's in almost everything.
But her doctors aren't permitted to identify it for her because the substance is protected by a corporate NDA.
My niece took an allergy test, and it turns out she's allergic to one special substance. It's in almost everything.
But her doctors aren't permitted to identify it for her because the substance is protected by a corporate NDA.
If that isn't the definition of evil, I don't know what is. Unregulated capitalism doesn't work. Profits shouldn't trump health and human dignity.
That having been said, look around for another doctor. There's no way that there's a corporate NDA that all doctors are subject to, because you have to agree to an NDA. There's no way there's a product NDA that all Drs have agreed to. It may be the particular lesting lab.
You are not held by the terms of an NDA unless you personally sign it. Sign away your rights to speak.
1. every Dr. has signed (unlikely)
2. AMA has agreed & Dr. are thus held to it (unlikely)
3. some testing labs have agreed not to disclose. This leaves a workaround.
As for IP law if it's patented it has to have been disclosed publicly as part of that process.
Something's not adding up.