How do “leakers” compare to “whistleblowers”? Aren’t there protections for whistleblowers, at least presently until the current abomination of an administration nixes them?
The fact that as CEO he's writing a company-wide memo and adding the sentence "It sucks" in it shows just how immature and unserious Mark Zuckerberg is. How is this fucking guy still in charge? Grow the fuck up and grow a spine you rich, entitled man-baby!
The only reason that he's still in charge is because he has (and will forever have) a 61.2% controlling stake in the company. Nobody can overrule him, even if it's literally him vs everybody else
If at some point META stock nosedives for an extended period of time, that might be an opportunity for someone to buy him out of his controlling shares. I know it's a long shot, but that day may come.
Got it, thanks for the correction. Guess the only solution is for Meta to fail. Too bad because they could be a decent company with someone else in charge. His arrogance and ego will never allow him to step aside, even for his own financial interest. I hope he ruins his own company.
Sorry, but there is no such thing as a bit secret inside a company that size. It’s a preposterous concept. Unless you’re talking about something that’s only known to a tiny committee of maybe a dozen people, MAYBE then it’ll work.
Information has always wanted, and will always want, to be free.
Information has always wanted, and will always want, to be free.
Wife and child hate dad.