I'm firmly in the "expansions deserve recognition but not as goty contenders" camp. That being said Geoff can do whatever he wants with his Sham Awards. I view his show in the same way as the Oscars or Emmys.
I feel like DLC should just be its own category. However, Dark Souls 3 got screwed out of GOTY by The Witcher DLC so I feel like it would be justice for Shadow of The Erdtree to win. I haven't played all the nominated games though so I can't say I really have a horse.
I honestly don't think any expansion or DLC should be getting GOTY. There's plenty of other names in the running that you don't need to overcrowd it and each game should really only get one bite at the apple. Separate category would be fine.
I feel like everyone forgets phantom liberty got a nom last year… I’m more for the idea of a separate dlc category but TGA has made an official stance regarding dlc so 🤷♂️
I just find it weird how Phantom Liberty didn't elicit this change from Geoff... Wonder what deals were made behind the scenes. Or if this is all just Geoff being a massive fanboy.
While I don't agree with it, I think it'd be really funny to have Elden Ring copies on store shelves promoting that they won Game of the Year in two non-consecutive years.
It's a good expansion for sure, but I think there needs to be a greater discussion on what is considered a "new game" these days. Some people would say remakes don't count either.
Weird? Sure but I mean do people still care who’s up there anymore? It’s always like the same 6 games nominated for every other category. it’s so boring and one game just sweeps most of it every single year.
End of the day, it’s all just vanity. Only thing i ever even care about is whether i had fun
It’s a little weird considering it’s an add on to another game but then it also does feel like what people expected Elden ring to be in terms of size initially before we realised Elden ring is huge
If it was a stand alone expansion then yes. But it isn’t, and requires many hours of gameplay and have to defeat a couple major bosses to even get to a point to access it. It’s ’downloadable content’. Not a separate new game.
Same with remakes
End of the day, it’s all just vanity. Only thing i ever even care about is whether i had fun
It makes no sense that it can win GOTY.
I hope it wins though just because it would be funny.