I strongly suggest that if you dislike this feature, you write a quick ticket saying so. Annoy the fuck out of them.
⚔️ https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
⚔️ https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
"Please remove the generative AI function. It's not only insulting, but harmful to the environment, and artists and writers worldwide. Don't do this. It's not cool or hip like you may think. Instead it makes your company look like a cheap jerk who doesn't care about humanity."
Please remember to be non-emotional when writing a complaint for stuff like this, people. If you just yell and scream you're setting not only your response up for being ghosted, but for the company as a whole to see the non-AI perspective as a joke and not to be taken seriously. 👍
Really can't wait for this stupid buzzword to die out and the bubble to burst.
No one cares about it, no one except corporations who want us to care yet NO ONE DOES.
It's called MMOs, VR chat and whatever else is like that.
Character creator? Check. Social interactions? Check.
So what makes metaverse so special?
"Create your character & socialize!"
Oh and I think there was something about you basically having to pay WotC a "subscription" fee to be legally allowed to live-stream D&D, didn't matter if it was your homebrewed world. You'd have to pay up. 😅
But not only that, everything that was created by the community (like expansions/modulars) would belong to WotC and if you wanted to homebrew something...
Some servers I use just for text/voice chat! They don't need everything!
try following these steps