Our forefathers had great differences of opinion on how this great experiment in democracy was going to work. One thing they had in common was fear of a populist leader convincing the great ignorant masses he and only he could make their life better. It only took 240 years, we have finally arrived.
It's no accident I use male pronouns in the above statement. Our county is based on a system of patriarchy. Maybe it's time we changed that as well. Men have been fucking things up for 250 years, it's time we gave women a chance. 🤔
Sadly I agree. Between putting a woman on top of the ticket and irrational fear of trans people scared many black and Hispanic male voters to Trump (white men were a foregone conclusion). They are about to get a heavy dose of the chaos they asked for. The older I get the less I suffer fools.
14-16 million Democrats sitting on their asses at home instead of voting may have had something to do with it. We can't just blame the cult. The people pissed off about Gaza (either side) and those who couldn't bring themselves to vote for the black woman are also complicit.
And so to prevent the ignorant masses from driving the nation to ruin they designed the Senate to represent-- and to be elected by-- states, rather than the people, and they interposed the Electoral "College" between the popular vote and the presidency. Maybe it's time we rethought that...
Correct, it was a compromise that made the new constitution acceptable to the underpopulated states in the south. Slaves were made 3/5 of a person with the slave owner deciding their vote. For that sickening reason alone it can go away.
Then in 1929 Congress made things worse by capping the number of Representatives in the House at 435. That, in concert with the Constitution's requirement that every state gets at least 1 member in the House, has resulted in a massive under-representation of high population states.
Yes, it has and yet over time no effort has been made to fix it I suppose because of the huge push back from the right that would happen. Nothing has been done to address gerrymandering either. The next time there is a chance it's time to address these issues.
In the early aughts studies were shown that by 2030 white people would no longer be the majority. The Republicans went into a tizzy. Their initial policy change was to attempt to recruit minorities. Remember compassionate conservatism? Well, that failed and we elected a black person president.
For example, California has about 26% fewer members in the House than it should have on the basis of population. That's anti-democratic in the extreme.
I can't believe what's coming to us in next year.
Things were trending better but this election…wtf?