It’s clear enough most of these *people* aren’t threats (the Intendant’s… colorful past notwithstanding) but we’d still like to know just what’s going on. I suspect it might have something to do with that wormhole.
Hopefully “breaking” proves to be a strong word, but there’s definitely something happening and it’s what I’m here to look at. As for the Cerritos, their encounter with that alternate Lily Sloane couldn’t have helped matters in this regard
..Butterfly effect you know.
For the temporal prime directive we need them assessed and the ones who could affect things returned.
It’s odd, Dr Gillian and McCoy are definite. There is much for..
..Is something breaking the barrier between universes and times?
“I wonder if the Cerritos could be involved with this?”
With your Starfleet security uniform, rank is not readily apparent.
You’ve given me some avenues to pursue. I’m going to check in on the Relativity and investigate this farther.”