Usually do my poetry drafts on paper, so I can see and edit it out after re-reading it probably 5 times. Rewriting it for a much better draft and hopefully finalizing it for the final draft, changing the metricals, the words, sometimes becoming its own stanza based on theme.
Years ago I read a book by Julia Cameron called "The Artist's Way" ... in it she talks about "Morning Pages" where you just write! If you can't think of anything to say just say I can't think of anything to say. Suddenly I found myself having creative ideas! Great book and I journal every day.
I've been writing poetry and prose and whatnot for decades and I only ever write these things on paper. It's a wholly different experience to me. Much more personal and alive.
I started bullet journaling to get my sh*t together (both mental health & organizing my life) and I track a bunch of things and write a little prose summary of each day. If I have more to write, I leave myself about 6 pages a month for that sort of thing. Never did it in my life before-love it
I do I’m currently chronicling my life and all events I lived through world wide as detailed as possible so that way there a bit of history left behind as to what really happened from my point of view.
That sounds like a nice thing to find in the future. I tried to do the same back when I wanted to make semi-biographical comics but I found out not a lot of interesting stuff happens in my life lol. Thanks for sharing!❤️
A lot of it is just writing down whatever my brain is fixated on at the moment - usually some social anxiety or some baggage i'm working through - the act of writing it down helps me untangle complicated feels
I keep a daily diary (what I've done, thoughts, opinions etc), a book journal where I review books I've read and movie/TV journal (review what I've seen).
Work notes, scheduled, to-do’s, journals, art ideas, grocery lists. Most things that don’t need to be emailed or pdf’d. I have a lot of notebooks and I’m a fountain pen nerd. So many inks! 🤩
All of my brainstorming and initial writing goes down on paper! 😊 I just like working with tools that demand nothing else but for me to remember to bring them. It's also nice writing on something that doesn't do anything else in the background.
initially i tried to have them in one notebook! it usually happens when i forgot to write, like, on a day especially since I'm a hobonichi user (so daily dated pages!) but decided to keep notes/fic project stuff separate from my actual journal
Yeah!! Especially if the notebook size is a6 which is what I have most of the time 😅 A5 is too big for me but I end up using bigger notebooks for notes
Outlining and worldbuilding for me always starts on paper. Just something about it taps into that part of my creative mind for it. Slows me down enough to really explore my ideas.
Yes indeed, my journal, notes, letters and shopping lists.
Did you know that the physical act of writing a list fixes it in the brain? You’re much less likely to remember a text or printed list.
It is literally a mental dump so ANYTHING. Maybe my dreams if I remember them, maybe it's about the day before and anything that made an impact mentally or sometimes what I want to accomplish for the day. It's a habit I build from reading The Artist Way. I love it - esp the pen to paper part.
In the monthly sections, I track media i consume (books, movies, podcasts).
And weekly spreads, I track hours I spend outside and health/fitness stats!
interspersed with little doodles and sketches
also gives a nice frame of reference if you flip back a few pages and are like "oh, that's apparently been stuck in my craw for a WHILE"
Sometimes story outlines for fiction, or worldbuilding for the same. The wife works in stationary so I am always swimming in notebooks.
That's really cool! I know the feeling of just drowning in notebooks and stationary 😂 thanks for sharing!❤️
day to day happening, opinions on stuff I've encountered/read/watched/experienced/etc
lists of things i want to buy, current pen and ink collection
video game noted (i.e. stardew valley gifts, etc)
Did you know that the physical act of writing a list fixes it in the brain? You’re much less likely to remember a text or printed list.