eh, in this case it depends if you're playing more for story - then you may want to rewatch cutscenes as well, cause you may notice stuff you didn't initially
but if it's something like mastering dmc on higher and higher difficulties, then yeah, you need to have your dark soul filled with liIiIiight
well... kingdom hearts on lower difficulties wasn't that hard... but still hard enough for past me to have to repeat some fights and let me tell you... that game had some long cutscenes... I was really grateful for 2 letting you skip them, especially during demyx fight...
Instead, I think every game should have a button to pause cutscenes.
Skippable cutscenes should only really be before boss fights, and only after you've seen it at least once.
I've always thought it was the weirdest thing ever when people complain about unskippable cutscenes
Dang! It sucks when you have to experience the content you signed up for!
I generally don't play hard games, I'm in it for the story more than I'm in it for the challenge
I have replayed video games before, I just like rewatching the cutscenes
but if it's something like mastering dmc on higher and higher difficulties, then yeah, you need to have your dark soul filled with liIiIiight
I feel like that's the bigger issue
Skippable cutscenes should only really be before boss fights, and only after you've seen it at least once.