In her 1st reply, Baroness Hallett said "the inquiry must not exceed its remit to "examine, consider & report on the response of the UKs healthcare systems to the pandemic up to & including 28 June 2022, & identify the lessons to be learned "to inform preparations for future pandemics across the UK"
In other words the inquiry does not have authority to make the requested interim order. Implicitly, it could make a finding of fact that "IPC policy was inadequate during the specified period because there were no airborne mitigations", if asked to do so on the basis of bird flu pandemic risks.
...putting indoor air quality standards in place will take time, which we will not have in the event of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu. Such an interim report/ recommendation would be within the inquiry's authority (although still discretionary, so we should ask nicely! 🙂)
Making a recommendation based on IPC guidance, transmission & RPE at June 2022 (end of relevant period) would have been within ToR (as nothing has changed!).
This is what we hoped the Chair would do in response to our 4-page letter.
We are all nice in CATA and like to ask nicely😉
However, given the fact that the Inquiry has shut (or slammed) the door in our face regarding any future correspondence on the matter, there seems little point in reverting to them with any further representations (nicely or otherwise...)
So that, as they say, is that!
Making a recommendation based on IPC guidance, transmission & RPE at June 2022 (end of relevant period) would have been within ToR (as nothing has changed!).
This is what we hoped the Chair would do in response to our 4-page letter.
We are all nice in CATA and like to ask nicely😉
Others may wish to do so. If so, good luck...