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You have a Merry Christmas too friend. Appreciate the friendly back and forth.
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Agree. My sister isn't coming to Christmas this year because we have several republicans in the family and they will rub it in just as we rubbed it in after the 2020 election. It's sad. We should be able to rib each other but still love each other. I fear for what the future holds for DC.
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Man I wish I could say you were wrong. I've felt the same way when I was younger, always mad when my guy didn't win but this new wave of voters on my side hold a grudge like I've never seen. My best friend is a republican and I congratulated him, he did the same to me in 2020. How life should be
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Some people would rather win but the country suffer as opposed to losing but seeing the country do great. It's quite sad.
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Lol...I smiled a bit. I just want our country to succeed, that's all I care about. I've lived to long and seen to many administrations go to DC to be optimistic. As I get later in my years, I just want to leave my country a better place for my grandkids than mine left it for me. That's all.
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Sounds like you just did what you accused me of. Sometimes I wonder if you guys ever proof read before hitting send.
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Look, I'll applaud that man til I can't clap anymore if he does that. I'll still fight in 28 for whoever I think is best but I have zero issue giving props to whoever fixes the current mess we are in.
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Ma'am, I answered questions from you last night and you refused to answer mine. Sorry but it's pretty obvious you are a Trumper posing as a lefty to try and make us all look bad.
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And you're just another maga account doing your part to make the democrat party look bad.
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You had well enough time to Google what that meant and you still replied with this? Lol.
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There needs to be a starting point. Implement changes in small increments. I am not one who wants to take freedoms away from any law abiding citizen but this is out of control. Gun control will take 10 years, so let's start now and chip away at gun reform. Sounds shady but I'm all in.
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Good try. I wont allow you angry leftist to ruin the democrat way. You guys are maga in disguise, trying to be as rude as you can in hopes of pushing others away. Typical playbook. No way a real democrat is as rude and idiotic as you guys. Calling others maga is exactly what maga would do.
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To is a preposition in this case. Never fails is right.
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Ya might want to rethink that one. I'll let ya delete it before you dig yourself into a crater.
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Good one.
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You watch to many movies, tends to happen when you can't read.
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Did you Google that insult?
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I rest my case
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And you wonder why we can't win. Again, you are the problem and the reason we lose. Look for a solution instead of blaming everyone but yourself. I'll be fighting in 28 while your still blaming trump for hurting your fellings. Why don't you block me? You seem to be the type thst does that.
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I got promoted to fry manager because the manager of the store is a conservative and he seen that I owned you so he gave me a raise.
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It's going to to be tough in 28 if the economy makes a turn and the border is secure. If not, it'll be up for grabs. Vance is a great candidate, we have some good young talent also. 2028 is going to be fun.
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I'll give ya a reference when you turn 16.
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We switched to beef tallow in the fryer, been a long day. When you're old ebough to drive you can swing by and enjoy a small fry on me.
comment in response to post You are a teenager.
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Some people just can't accept that we messed up. The DNC is smart if nothing else, they know a regrouping or rebrand is needed, they will distance themselves from harris and move forward with a different message.. This person just can't fathom that Trump was the better candidate this time.
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Consistently lying and trolling. Puberty is a bitch, I get it.
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So making fun of fast food workers now? No wonder America hates the left.
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Exactly what a maga voter would say.
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Look in the mirror, liar.
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At least you didn't deny it. Now go get your night time bath and make sure your homework is ready, you can't fail the 8th grade again.
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Sure, when facts and data and shown to you, you just find another topic to lie about. It's OK, this is why we are moving in a new direction and leaving the mean people behind. Dollars to dimes you are a maga voter just trolling people on here.
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It's not nice to make fun of mentally handicap people. Spellcheck is your friend.
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Again, it's people like you are the reason we lost. If harris told you to piss on an electric fence for a jolt of energy you would do it. The DNC is going to rebrand itself and do away with voters like you, they want to win and you win by being realistic and making changes.
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You dont know what liar means, do you? There's still time to delete your account and create a new name.
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Now that we know you are lying, and a teenager, let's put this to bed. I have to work tomorrow, and you have school.
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That's what I thought. Sad when those people that you call magats make way more sense than you do.
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Oh OK, net Whatever makes you feel warm and tingly. How is it that I keep getting stuck in these conversations with teenagers who don't know politics outside of what grandma tells them?
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I sent ya a left wing outlet also. Not that it matters, your pea brain won't accept anything other than cnn, which if ya give me a few minutes I can find a cnn article saying the same thing. I'm sure you'll still find an excuse. Again, you're the problem and the reason we lost.
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Didn't think you'd answer the question. Liar
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And in case you need a left wing outlet to balance out the right wing network I ya go
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Why are you pretending I said Joe didn't create a single job?
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Not giving classified docs back, using campaign funds to pay off stormy. Not sure what other 3 you want from me? I answered your silly question, you answer mine. Did you approve of the democrat party appointing harris as the nominee without a vote of some sort?
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I never even uttered the word cesspool, so once again that makes you the liar. This is what you do, make up shit to make yourself feel better. I can only surmise that you beat your dog to make yourself feel big.
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What about the revisions to every jobs report? What's your excuse for that? And I'm not saying biden didn't do a great job and recovering the economy, but I am saying that lying to the American voter is one of the reasons he lost power, it's actually quite simple.
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The fact you think the media is giving up proves you're the liar. The media spent 8 years beating him up and trying to take him out, the American people didn't approve of that tactic. I wish the media would keep it up, however that's not what America wants. The MSM is pivoting, you should try
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Nope, I have faith that the Jesus and I pray to is listening and protecting me. You can have faith that he doesn't exist, that's the beauty of living in the USA, we can think different yet still prosper. However, you'd like to believe that opposing viewpoints makes you evil. You're the problem
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As for backing up claims, you have access to the same research I do yet we come to 2 different conclusions, that is the problem here. Hating trump will do absolutely nothing to help the left win in 28, quite the opposite in fact. Quit acting like children and fix our own problems 1st.
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1...thats what they all say 2...yes he is, everyone on the left has taken a shot, some literally. Some would say he's won his cases, I'd say he lost all of them because it costs millions to fight. 3...weve already established that you're the problem, let's move forward
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Not sure. Not all questions have an answer.