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Comic reader, coffee drinker, mispronouncer of all things. He/Him
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One of the brilliant things our current iteration of oligarchs did is get people to conceive of free speech as being able to call your coworkers slurs rather than using it to say stuff like why are my tax dollars subsidizing your billionaire ass

I hope America is as lucky as the delta jet - everyone survives but the right wing explodes

the single most un-american and anti-constitutional statement ever uttered by an american president

When the metaphor SCREAMS at you to wake the fuck up

a good part of me thinks that in addition to everything else, the reason they are scrubbing these stories is they do not want disadvantaged kids to believe they can aspire to anything other than their designated “black” or “hispanic” or “woman” job

Has anyone backed up the Library of Congress?

Btw; just to break toxic fanboys brains: here is Gene Roddenberry literally saying he wished he had gay sex and wishing that he was nonbinary.

I find old man Indiana Jones yelling at people to turn down the Beatles to be very relatable.

I don’t care if you’re a relative, a fantasy novelist, or an elected official, transphobia is manufactured outrage and transphobe are trash. None of America’s problems are cause by trans people. None. But a LOT are caused by bigots.

Forget Batman vs. Superman— I want to see a verbal throw-down between Groucho Marx and Winston Churchill.

Thanks to all for your kind remembrances on this awful day. Words will come later. Only feelings at the moment. Mourn and remember him but don’t forget to celebrate too. We won’t see his like again. The man from another place has gone home. #DavidLynch #TwinPeaks

Happy Moop Year!!

I would go out tonight to greet the new year if I thought there was a realistic hope of stopping it.

Kills no one— still the worst person in the movie.

Is DIE HARD a Christmas movie? Well, I know *someone* who died hard, and his name is Jesus

Hell, yeah! I still got it!

100 comic book stores with Black Friday sales today!

As much as I’m a summer goth, I have to admit that there’s something special about the stars in the winter.

Blade Runner drinking game: take a shot every time Deckard isn’t drunk. By the end of the movie, you will be sober.

It’s only just Tuesday, but it already feels like the end of the world.

The auction is live now!

It's the birthday of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel. Without Siegel, there might not be a comic book business as we know it. We all owe him an enormous debt.

Remember Project 2025? Remember how horrifying it is? It's even worse, and it would ruin every aspect of our lives. Please check out and share it with folks in your life!

The real mistakes we made were the friends along the way.

Today I will be adulting (dying)

I’m a fashionably late adapter!

The whispers turned to murmuring. The murmuring turned to mutterings. The muttering turned to grumbling. The grumbling turned to semaphore and that shut everyone right up.

I love that McClane wins at Die Hard 2 by successfully using a Wild E. Coyote maneuver.

Hey, #comics Bluesky! You want a chance at a rare copy of the Avengers/JLA trade paperback? I’m raffling off my copy to help during a rough time. Here’s how to win it: /1