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Sorry I am not perfect but I am definitely not fake ;⁠)
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As always, is a real one.

Zusammen mit weiteren Demokratie-Initiativen haben wir gestern Flugblätter vor den Parteizentralen der ÖVP, SPÖ, NEOS und Grünen verteilt! Unsere Botschaft: Jetzt braucht es Kooperation! Reißt's euch z'samm!

Strong Nation💪🍁🇨🇦

Massive protests in the US as the country faces an ongoing coup d’état by the Trump regime and his oligarch cabal headed by Musk. Countless people are standing up to fascism proving the US will not go quietly. #3E #USprotests #fiftyfiftyone #Feb17 (🎥 )

Upcoming US protests. #3E #USprotests

"Dass das Messerattentat am Samstag in Villach nicht noch mehr Opfer gefordert hat, ist dem Syrer Alaaeddin Alhalabi zu verdanken. Er bewies Zivilcourage und stieß den Attentäter mit seinem Auto nieder."

Van der Bellen ist ein großartiger Vertreter der Demokratie. Er strahlt Sicherheit, Gelassenheit und Zuversicht aus. Er vermittelt Freude an der Gestaltung und Vertrauen in das demokratische System. In einer schwierigen Situation ein Auftritt von beeindruckender Leichtigkeit.

Animal farm.

Anti ethnic cleansing protests in the US city of Portland to denounce ICE raids on vulnerable people, concentration camps, and the Trump regime's crimes against immigrants and refugees. #3E #USprotests #ICE (📹 )

The corrupt Prime Minister of Hungary and key Donald Trump ally in Europe, Viktor Orbán, revealed to own a €45 million castle after officially declaring, only having €14 thousand in his bank account and only owning two houses. #SpookyConnections 🧵

Washington, D.C. yesterday. "Shut down the Senate, Shut down the Senate." Chanted for hours. More massive #USprotests, ongoing. Sources here report, "Millions of people are getting ready as we speak to take this country back and save the USA. Their days are numbered. Stay tuned." #3E

This video will make your day ❤️🐿

Thousands of people took part in an annual WWII-linked commemoration held by far-right groups in Budapest Saturday, as anti-fascist activists gathered nearby.

Some might say it was "just" a dog. No, you too, "Charlie," were a family member. It is a bond, a feeling that cannot be put into words. What you hold deep in your heart cannot be lost through death. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Claudia Dannhauser bezeichnet in der #ZIB1 Migration als "die Kernkompetenz der FPÖ". Ich möchte da widersprechen. Die FPÖ hat genau NULL Kompetenz zu Migration oder gar Integration. Wenn es sowas wie "Kernkompetenzen" bei der FPÖ gibt das sind das Desinforamtion und Schüren von Hass und Angst.

#Anonymous spotted in TN protests against the Musk Trump U.S. occupation.

#3E Rally and march Sunday, February 9, Armstrong Park, 4 PM

I am very tired, but wrote this, quickly, to capture what I could since we live in the days of media erasure. Tonight there was a #protest at the #treasury and most #news did not see fit to cover it while it unfolded. I captured posts, video, and quotes as I could--I linked to

Couldnt resist a Friday Finger or two. Could you?

Politik hat was magisches. Und richtige Magie entsteht immer erst durch die Kombination aus den geschickten Händen des Zauberers und gefinkelter Ablenkung. Alle sehen das Karnickel, das aus dem Zylinder gezaubert wird, aber niemand sieht, was hintenherum geschieht. #Koalitionsverhandlungen #FPÖVP

Canada 🇨🇦👀🚫🇺🇸

I'm not surprised by trump's disgustingly negative attitude about disabled people. It's who he is, and who he's always been. This should have been the end.

Mass demonstrations in Los Angeles, more that 10,000 people showed up to protest against Trump's ethnic cleansing and concentration camps. They gathered to protect the immigrant community which is being hunted down by ICE. #3E #USprotests #ICE "we shout for those who can't."

Für immer in unseren Herzen 🌈 Charlie

Thousands in Germany have taken the streets protest the rise of the Elon Musk and Kremlin supported neo-Nazi party AfD, ahead of the general election.

The Trump administration is giving ICE officials the power to quickly deport migrants who were allowed into the country temporarily under Biden-era programs, according to an internal government memo obtained by The New York Times.

Wir waren 50.000 Menschen, die Alarm für die Republik geschlagen haben! Wir sagen NEIN zu einer rechtsextremen und autoritären Wende! Wir wollen, dass Demokratie, Menschenrechte, unabhängige Justiz, kritischer Journalismus, Solidarität und Menschenwürde gestärkt und nicht zerstört werden!

Bin da wohl ein wenig voreingenommen, aber wenn alle (ÖVP-)Politiker:innen so wären wie Ferry Maier und Christian Konrad, wäre nicht nur die Asylpolitik menschlicher & pragmatischer.

Riesige Demo gegen Blau-Schwarz in Wien mit tausenden Menschen: "Nazis raus aus unserer Zukunft!" #BlauSchwarz #DemokratieAlarm #DemokratieVerteidigen #Donnerstagsdemo #w0901