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I write #erotica about sexy #GreekGods & #GreekMythology 🏛️ Commission me: New stories every month: Find me elsewhere:
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It might not be #Roman, but for me this is one of the highlights of the NY Met Museum collection - a bowl standing on a lovely pair of human feet! It was made more than 5500 years ago, in predynastic Egypt AncientBlueSky #Archaeology

Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹 #Eros, because he is naturally a lover of the beautiful, and because #Aphrodite is herself beautiful, and also because he was born on her birthday, is her follower and attendant. Plato, Symposium 178 #FrescoFriday

Think ‘dick in a box’ is a modern joke? Think again. This spring-loaded version dates from the 1800s, showing the Victorians DID have a sense of humour. They were definitely a-head of their time 😉 #PhallusThursday

sometimes, when drawing erotic works like I tend to do, I get down on myself. I could draw anything in the world, and yet here I am, drawing naked people again. Then something like this pops up in my feed, and reminds me that we've always loved drawing naked people. There is no shame in that.

I love kilts

“THEY MADE SHREK WOKE!” It always was woke. The fairytale creatures are an allegory for marginalized groups, it taught us to accept others and ourselves, and Shrek is a literal example of what it’s like to be different from other people.

Playing solo. #PhallusThursday

The high priestess of Apollon has a steamy bath with the powerful wife of Delphi's ruler: #erotica #wlw #wlwfiction #smutstodon #LesFic #historicalfiction

Bluesky moderators deleted the AI protest video of Trump sucking Musk's toes, protecting Donald Trump’s interests, and proving even more-so, that the people behind Bluesky understand “decentralization” much in the same way Bitcoin investors do: They don’t. Quoted from's article:

Heyy! I updated Evoe today with 8 pages this time! Lots of Persephone yelling :D yippie! #greekmythology #webcomic #art Tapas: Tumblr: Patreon:

The high priestess of Apollon has a steamy bath with the powerful wife of Delphi's ruler: #erotica #wlw #wlwfiction #smutstodon #LesFic #historicalfiction

Have a courageous Day of Ares aka Mars' Day aka Tuesday 🗡️ "With a shout he [Ares] cheered the Trojans on to face the foe. They heard, and marvelled at that wondrous cry, not seeing the God's immortal form." Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 8.260 🏛 #Fresco of #Mars, #Pompeii #AncientBlueSky

You can't be anti-trafficking and pro-FOSTA/SESTA/KOSA. You need to LISTEN to survivors and people in the industry.

I wrote 4000 words, bitches!

Ever tried knifeplay with a Fury? Ares' daughter, the amazon Penthesileia, gets unexpectedly kinky with the Fury Alecto... #erotica #wlw #LesFic #mythology #wlwfiction

Ever tried knifeplay with a Fury? Ares' daughter, the amazon Penthesileia, gets unexpectedly kinky with the Fury Alecto... #erotica #wlw #LesFic #mythology #wlwfiction

Hello, Everyone! Join us for Monday's theme: DOORWAYS. Which myths feature a doorway or portal? How does this door function? Write out your story and use that hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts. See you tomorrow! #mythology @mythology @folklore […] [Original post on]

Have a beautiful Day of #Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹 "Over the silver on dancing dolphins ride guileful Eros and laughing Himeros (Desire), and the chorus of bow-backed fish plunging in the waves sports with Paphia [Aphrodite] where she swims." The Anacreontea, Fragment 57

The typical, hairless and slit-less fanny of Graeco-Roman art. Hair removal was the fashion but art of bushy fannies does exist. Labia are equally rare in art, so a nude mons veneris is all we get from the Greeks and Romans most of the time. #FannyFriday #GreekRomanArt #vulva #AncientBlueSky

It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / Thorsday! ⚡ Bronze figurine of #Jupiter Optimus Maximus Heliopolitanus, the Latin name of the supreme god venerated in the great temple of Baalbek in modern Lebanon. The god has also been called Ba'al, Hadad, Helios and #Zeus. #DayOfZeus #mythology

Another masterpiece finished. #PhallusThursday #GreekRomanArt #AncientBlueSky

Ah, what can I say. Hermes is just my favourite, so I have to make sure he has a good time, all the time. #hermes

It's the Day of Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka #Wednesday! 🐏 "Here, too, is [by the altar is a statue of] #Hermes, according to the Hellenic custom. May he then announce good tidings to the free!" Aeschylus, Suppliant Women 220 🏛 #Mercurius, silver, 175-225 CE, France #AncientBlueSky #mythology

Some things never change! A 4,000 year-old Egyptian writing board with the student’s spelling mistakes corrected in red ink by the teacher! 😂 📷 The Met #Archaeology

hey my commissions are open again if anyones interested. here's my commissions Carrd for more info;

New poll up on Patreon. I'm a ho, I'll write what the people with the dollar bills demand. 😊

A wonderfully exposed bum from the Villa Romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina, Sicily. #BumDayMonday #GreekRomanArt #AncientBlueSky

It's the Day of #Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛 "The Titanian queen [Selene], borne upward through a silent world, and with her dewy chariot cooled and rarefied the air; now birds and beasts are hushed, and Somnus (Sleep) [...] beckons from the sky." Statius, Thebaid 1.336 #AncientBlueSky

Hello, myth lovers! Join us for Monday's theme: VEGETABLES! Which vegetables "turnip" in mythology? 😜 Write out the myth and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts. If joining from #BlueSky: follow so we can interact with your posts. See […] [Original post on]

A young Hermes with his young lover, Perseus. Before Hermes learnt what it means to love a mortal. #hermes #perseus

Erotic Mythology's February #newsletter is wholeheartedly embracing love a its sweetest. Find recs for romantic comics, dating ideas, your wedding in ancient Athens, and more! #erotica #mythology #ValentinesDay #GreekMythology #LoveIsLove

It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️ "O #Helios (Sun), a bronze one, when having laid to sleep the wave of Enyo (War) they garlanded the fatherland with the spoils of their ill-wishers." Suidas s.v. Kolassaeis 🏛️ Tetradrachm, 3rd–2nd century BCE #AncientBlueSky #mythology #numismatics

Love your fanny this #ValentinesDay 👌 If you have a partner, let them love and caress her, and if you don't, give her a good massage yourself. 🥰 #FannyFriday #vulva #selfcare

Happy #ValentinesDay! Have a beautiful Day of #Aphrodite aka Venus' Day 🌹 "Cyprus-born Kythereia [Aphrodite], weaver of wiles, to honour you Zeus gave you this special gift. For you overwhelm the sound minds of men and there is no one strong or clever enough to escape you." Theognis Fragment 1.1386

I... what am I doing? 😅😂

Erotic Mythology's February #newsletter is wholeheartedly embracing love a its sweetest. Find recs for romantic comics, dating ideas, your wedding in ancient Athens, and more! #erotica #mythology #ValentinesDay #GreekMythology #LoveIsLove

I have a phallus from Africa for #BlackHistoryMonth: it's #Osiris, evidently before he lost his male member and Isis had to replace it. Works even in the afterlife! #PhallusThursday #EgyptianArt #AncientBlueSky

I made a list of cute love stories in Greek myth. Probably missing your fave 🙈 What is your favourite love story in Greek myth? #AncientBlueSky #mythology #ValentinesDay #lovestory #LoveIsLove #gay

I made a list of cute love stories in Greek myth. Probably missing your fave 🙈 What is your favourite love story in Greek myth? #AncientBlueSky #mythology #ValentinesDay #lovestory #LoveIsLove #gay

It's the Day of #Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka #Wednesday! 🐏 "The deep-breasted Mountain Nymphs [Oreades] who inhabit this great and holy mountain [...] with them the Seilenoi and the sharp-eyed Argeiphontes [Hermes] mate in the depths of pleasant caves." Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite #AncientBlueSky

Current updates 💋💄💅 Channeling the hyperfeminine soft pink style for Aphrodite (Mcbling), with a Middle Eastern touch while channeling 2000s R&B boyband for Ares!!