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Neurophysiologist | #Concussion / #CTE research | Adjunct Professor Swinburne Uni | Enjoy a bit of cycling too
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Neuroscientist Dr Alan Pearce said it was a necessary though belated change by the AFL “The rhetoric around athlete health & wellbeing has to be demonstrated, not just talked about. This is certainly an example of that change, but I think it’s a case of catching up"

A case of playing catch ups, rather than "making change" #concussion #braininjury #CTE #football

While I appreciate the importance of these stories & messaging of #mentalhealth in AFL, I get frustrated at the lack of discussion between the links of #brain injury & mental health. It’s like “they” want a narrative that excludes #concussion

NRL defends its invite to Donald Trump in Las Vegas after White Ribbon charity withdrawal. #principles

Nothing changes really...the empty rhetoric around "player health and wellbeing" from the AFL and related sports continues #concussion #CTE

$62.3m "surplus" (not taxed because the NRL has charity status). Hooray! Meanwhile player #brain injuries and #CTE continues without adequate funding for research and post career support for those who made the #sport what it is. #rugbyleague #concussion

Huge thanks to for warning all the new folks out there dealing with early M.E. as a result of Covid: ***Exercise makes ME/CFS worse.*** Big props to for proposing this topic! REALLY wish I had seen this a decade ago 😭

After that plane literally flipped upside down after smashing into the runway and 100% of people survived, I hope every person who ever said “what’s even the point of seatbelts on a plane” feels like a real doof.

“Voluntary attendance. Online classes. Student numbers swelling. Australian campuses look very different today – and many academics don’t like it.”

I think we have enough scientific evidence now for #journlists in the #media to drop the demeaning term ‘head knocks’ when referring to sports-related #concussion. Let’s do better.

AFL football club administrator “Athlete health and wellbeing is the highest priority”…while continuing to have players’ #brain injured during preseason games 🤷🏻‍♂️

Interesting that there has been no #media follow up since this story was posted six weeks ago. It's like contact and combat sports organisations want to keep the issue of #brain damage out of the spotlight?

Shame that there’s no mention regarding traumatic and repetitive #brain injury as a risk factor for dementia #CTE, but no one wants to upset the major contact sports codes now do they?

“Irish boxer John Cooney has died…following his defeat to the Welshman Nathan Howells last Saturday. The bout was stopped in the 9th round & Cooney had subsequently undergone surgery after it was discovered he had an intracranial haemorrhage” Cooney was 28

The 'gamification' of #concussion shows what little regard major sports now have for the serious issue of brain injury in contact sports. #cte

The 'gamification' of #concussion shows what little regard major sports now have for the serious issue of brain injury in contact sports. #cte

Wise words from long time reader, first time letter writer John from Mountmorency. #concussion #cte

"The AFL has ranked clubs on a #concussion ladder in a memo on pre-season head [injuries] that left teams confused & frustrated at what they say is a lack of direction on the biggest issue in the game" #CTE After all these years, they still can't get it right.

"The AFL has ranked clubs on a #concussion ladder in a memo on pre-season head [injuries] that left teams confused & frustrated at what they say is a lack of direction on the biggest issue in the game" #CTE After all these years, they still can't get it right.

More relevant than ever #AcademicSky

"There are currently 386 claimants from union & 177 from league, and around a dozen from each of these groups will be chosen to come to trial on behalf of the entire cohort...Players who played in both codes will choose to be involved in one suit rather than both"

And another. We need to stop putting our heads in the sand. #cte #concussion #neurotrauma

Very sad news today. Another retired footballer gone too soon.

New study from UW-Madison found guardian cap use in HS FB practices was NOT associated w/ ⬇️ risk of concussion in practice or games. Consistent w/ other research showing guardian caps do not ⬇️ concussion risk or significantly decrease forces w/ repetitive head impacts.

Accurate for Australian VCs too

Just a #ICYMI from a few years back...Finally finished the project unfunded (and out of pocket). More to come on that, when the study is published soon. #concussion #CTE #neurophysiology #neuroscience

How academic leaders should respond to shock and awe "A whistleblower or a critic with concerns should be seen by leadership as an opportunity to stand tall and demonstrate an ability to listen and engage, not an inconvenient voice to muzzle," says

Slightly different from my usual research business on #concussion or #cte; my new paper on quantifying professional AFL players leaving the AFL. How they are treated by their clubs depends greatly on whether they retire or are delisted.

Our new paper titled "The neuropathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy" published in Pathology journal is now available online (open access, see link) #cte #concussion #pathology #Australiansportsbrainbank

"PhD student Jesse Gardner-Russell earns $20 an hour. Experts say low pay is turning Australia’s best and brightest away The University of Melbourne student whose work could contribute to curing blindness says ‘people are shocked to find out how unlivable it is’."

So glad I’m off that other toXic platform…

“In light of his diagnosis, Windass has joined a growing number of former footballers calling for greater awareness and support regarding the link between professional football and neurodegenerative diseases”

We argue our concerns regarding concussion products and “tech” actually reducing/stopping #concussion), the lack of rigour in research design, and results being spun by savvy marketing & endorsements from athletes. Improving the science will improve concussion mitigation. #sportsconcussion

Is It All in Your Head? Placebo Effects in Concussion Prevention. With Prof James Smoliga, Prof Chris Bleakley, and me

Umbrella review of traumatic brain injury (TBI) research from Oxford University. There were consistent findings for a number of adverse health conditions, suggesting long-term treatment is important after a TBI.

The NFL #concussion settlement promised to compensate every former player with #dementia or a #brain disease linked to head trauma. But the firm that oversees the settlement still delays and denies claims despite vowing to act fast The Post found.

Boxer Paul Bamba has died aged 35, one week after he won the WBA Gold Cruiserweight title by defeating Mexican Rogelio Medina on 21 December.

"Two yachts retired after being 'dismasted', and another three pulled out after experiencing main sail damage [and two deaths in two spearate incidents] but race organisers say weather conditions were 'not extreme'."

Pleased to talk to Wendy Smith at our Concussion Legacy Foundation Australia golf day lunch. Wendy lost her son Antonio who died playing Australian football from 2 impacts to the head. In his memory Wendy started Happy Lids to raise awareness for second impact syndrome & to raise funds for CLF Aust

The neuropathology of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (Open access) | Pathology Journal

“Max sustained a fractured larynx following a hit to the throat during training this week…As part of his recovery, Max won’t be able to exercise for 2-wks, followed by a period of non-contact training for an additional 4-wks” And for brain injury, it’s…

“The glorious & blood-soaked moments that fighters have in professional boxing rings are often accompanied by an unseen cost, which she is now forced to pay…is also emblematic of the failure of the sport of boxing to take care of the people who give everything”

"Professor Alan Pearce...said professional leagues are now acknowledging risks to brain health, but their responses might not always prioritise player welfare. “A lot of it is PR spin & a lot of lip service, but we’re not seeing the action required,” he said"

While the Rugby League Players Association report 98% of male and 99% of female NRL players "understand" the NRL #concussion and HIA protocols, when the TV cameras are not around adherence to reporting and management is somewhat lacking.

An awesome day at The Grange Golf Club in Adelaide where ~150 people attended, played a round of golf & talked #concussion. We raised around $40k for concussion education in the memory of footballer Antonio Lo Iacono who sadly passed away last year from second impact syndrome.

"Australian taxpayers will provide $600 million over the next 10 years to help establish the [PNG rugby league] team" But can only give $50 million over 10 years for concussion/mTBI research. #priorities

Off to do another #charity event to raise money for #concussion and #CTE education and research

Tell me without telling me there's no care in athlete brain health and wellbeing while saying "athlete health and wellbeing is our highest priority"

"A new study has found no evidence that the high dementia risk among footballers is linked to health/lifestyle factors. It increases the likelihood that heading footballs has caused brain injuries" Let's move beyond blaming the players and do something properly about this

Writer Geoff Parkes giving his wrap up of #Rugby in 2024. Good to see #concussion and #brain injury not being ignored in The Roar 👇🏼