Female, 30s, cripplingly anxious gamer in WA stats just trying to live her best life in assisted living in peace.
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To this day, if you aren't specific, something can and will go wrong, and I make sure others know that.
A family emergency plan needs to account for disabilities as well, both physical and mental. Routes for the wheelchair, protocol for panic attacks etc. We're called 'vulnerable' for a reason!
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Honestly, the only thing that went wrong was my thought process- We were close with a few neighbors, and when I couldn't deduce which one was the 'emergency contact' I short-circuited and went home. There wasn't as much autism awareness back then!
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Unfortunately, I'm autistic and she failed to specify *which* neighbor. After some wandering, I went back home to cartoons. Later, I got a house call from Mom asking if I was alright. It was then I learned it had been an earthquake.
A family friend got me for the rest of the day, for safety.
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I was home alone with an ear infection in elementary, in Port Orchard, Kitsap. Things shook and rumbled a bit, and I thought it was a truck at first. Right after, I knew something had happened, and remembered my Mom saying to go to the neighbors in such a case.
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Lack of depth?? Have you even glanced at competitive??
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You know you can do that in S/V, to a degree?
Different coloration? Shiny hunting! Speed over toughness? EV training! Some spreads get... interesting. Different typing? Terastilization! Which you can change through methods.
And thus, the franchise does print money.
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There are fates worse then homeless, sickness, and death. Like being forced to move back in with your toxic parents because Medicaid payed for your assisted living apartment. I've hurt enough, thank you
You'll see a lot of filicides if adult disabled kids are forced to re-live with their parent(s).
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Please protect your media. The Fox News (which argued it was 'entertainment' to avoid getting shut down), alt right radio, and other 'news' did so much damage, under a thin veil of 'free speech' that does damage unprovable under our laws.
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HAH! Its common knowledge here that Trump has been Putin's pawn for years, thanks to intel... released after he was elected the first time.
Try convincing his alt-reality cultists of that though. They're so deep in they *like* Russia and Putin.
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That's the difference- Oligarchs are ultimately out for their wealth. Trump and his crazies will spite said wealth (like the tariffs) to impose their own distorted reality. Murdoch's own publications have been critical of Trump, because he's doing real market damage.
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Also fun fact, a lot of companies like programs like food stamps, because obviously the money goes to them via purchases. And Big Pharma of course wants to keep selling its blockbuster drugs. Big business hates the tariffs, but can't get Trump to back down.
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Not nesscarily. My own stepdad is an otherwise hard-left Democrat, but it wasn't long ago he believed 'hard work and med detox because its all in your head.' He would have supported ideas like RFK Jr's 'wellness farms'. Not sure what he thinks now, but its a mess of unresolved stuff.
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That's all we ask, really. Especially since WA state was the only one to go *more* blue in the election.
As an aside, at this point, I'd take the oligarchs over the current nutters- At least *they* won't ban my meds. (Mental health, disability, assisted living resident).
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We've been telling the ICE to scram when they show, but other things like funding we can't impact like that. I live in WA state (thank god), but there's literally nothing else we can do but protest and look to our state admin.
Its been *exhausting* since Trump 1.0. Cut your friends a little slack.
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It's no wonder those who can afford to have decided to tune out for now. Esp. in blue states where state governments are stepping up to the plate like they were elected to. What else can we do? Most of us can't even afford a trip to DC. And peaceful protests are ignored.
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And it feels like it all came to nothing past election. Having done everything we could, surrounded by brainwashed MAGAhats who are just waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger, AND our federal Dem representatives aren't doing nearly enough, with Biden even 'welcoming back' Trump post-election...
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You have to realize most of us fought really hard since Trump 1.0. Blue cities tried implementing laws to take initiative, only for GOP governors to 'pre-empt' them (ex. forbidding cities from raising the minimum wage). Family and friends have torn apart over the right/MAGA-left divide.
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There *has* been more discussion, but in terms of self-defense. Actually striking would set the literal army of crazies on us. We're not dumb or reckless enough to give the bloodthirsty, mouth-frothing part of the country civil war. They'll have to shoot first.
Why yes it's tense here.
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With better guns comes bigger risks. Hence, blue states like WA decided controls to reduce the risk of mass shootings was more important. The ones who would bear arms in the way you're thinking of are those that support Trump. Although the attitude toward arms has been shifting in blue states...
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It was one thing to imagine civilians needing to organize. It was quite another to conceptualize a 'rebel' using a single gun to kill numerous at once, esp. considering gun tech when the Constitution was written.
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Here's the thing- The 2nd Amendment was made in a time of muskets and horses. By WWI/The Great War, it was quite brutally showed how weapon advances outpaced old war notions. (All Quiet on the Western Front has a great scene with a horse showing this.)
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Broken expectations are worse then no expectations at all.
Caveat: I subscribe to the theory the election was hacked. Yes, its a conspiracy. But consider: After falsely screaming 'stolen election' for years, of course the possibility of an *actual* steal is going to be dismissed.
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I hate whenever people bring this up. It wasn't that simple. We already knew Trump was a raving lunatic. We *trusted* Biden was still sound of mind, and fully capable, despite Trump's comments.
After the debate, that trust shattered, with a dash of 'I told you so' from the right.
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Oh please. Hungary has universal healthcare. And guaranteed paid vacation. And 6-month paid maternity leave.
IMO, any comparison to other autocracies should come with an aside if they have universal healthcare.
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Guess which one Trump and his cultists prefer?
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All I ask is *please* don't lump WA state with the those who voted for that orange eyesore. We went as blue and progressive as you can get during the election.
Even better, if your PM could start some secret talks to annex us, that'd be very welcome.
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All the pieces are there Canada, help us and we'll ascend your country to historical glory.
...No, seriously, HELP.
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And before you get on my case, I'm disabled in WA state. We did literally everything we could and it still looks bad.
Honestly, at this point, I'm hoping this ends with us absorbed by Canada, and Canada ascends as the next 'superpower.'
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GOP have done more to derail the Democrats agenda with less. And oddly, its always 'one or two' Democrats that caucus with the GOP when their party is in power, while the GOP have no problem sticking together (obligatory 'f u Joe Machin' again).
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TBF there have been *multiple* attempts by multiple presidents to implement universal healthcare. All have failed. At least one helped set it up in an overseas country post-WW2 to 'prove it could work' and still got shot down trying to import his own successful blueprint.
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Never going to happen. The one thing a narcissist will never do is admit a mistake. Even if you come at them with recordings and receipts, they'll say 'I didn't mean it like that' before attacking you for having said receipts.
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Europe thought it was a great idea to send their worst assholes to the New World and let them be themselves. Then the moment Britain needed them to be actual citizens, there was war. (TBF, Britain DID screw up, and subsequent colonies had more self and internal governance).
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Not to mention, people who have untreated anxiety and depression aren't consumers- Those who get treated are, as improving mental health comes with more desire to shop for themselves as part of self-care. Like shopping for new clothes.
Source: Treated for severe anxiety, speaking from experience.
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It takes a very rare character to take 'immature idiot' as a badge of honor, because it means they're 'winning.' They usually aren't found in positions of money and power, at least in modern day. And without true 'shameless stupidity' without a hint of flinching, its impossible to replicate Trump.
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I think the key is that in addition to being a sociopathic narcissist, Trump takes *shameless pride* in his stupidity. And that's very hard to fake.
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Pokemon always has deserts packed with wild Pokemon, hidden TMs, special encounters, and the occasional legendary.
Palworld is similar. Deep in the desert are a pair of Legendary Pals.
Genshin Impact's desert seperates two nations, and is riddled with quests, ruins, treasure, and puzzles.
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The best deserts in games are like 'land oceans'- A vast obstacle you have to cross. Add some optional ruins, treasure, and maybe a secret boss, and you have a good level. A lot of games I've played do this, like the old-school Golden Sun.
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Its partly the weather-We don't get enough Vitamin D.
And its partly politics-We do everything 'right', voting local, the only state to go blue-er the last election. And we STILL get screwed over by the rest of the country.
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Let me put it this way: Its in their best interest to keep DEI in some form, even if not explicitly. To do otherwise is a fast-track to losing talent, and the tech industry is a little too volatile to afford that. They *probably* don't want to lose devs to Apple or Linux...
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Please don't lump us nerds together. Most of us just want to stay inside and work on nerdy stuff, like figuring out math problems to optimize playing video games because we find that fun. Seriously, you should see some of my spreadsheets.
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In gaming, the popular blockbusters get recognized, while more 'artistic' non-combat games get blank stares. But they're out there and even successful. (Flower, anyone?) The 'artistic' stuff is rarely popular in any medium, and 'academic' recognition is a poor yardstick imo.
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They're like reverse situations- The more obscure 'artistic' movies get recognized, while popular blockbusters get shoved aside. (Also, I think Avengers 1 was more deserving than the winner that year, but that's another discussion).
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If I may, I think that's kinda an unfair comparison when 99% of the time, the winner of Best Picture is a movie I never heard of, much less watched. Which is partly why I stopped caring.
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Microsoft layed off the dedicated team, but kept the policies, with a new emphasis on further entrenching them into company culture and workings.
I suspect Apple, like many others, didn't take Trump 'seriously', only focusing on what they believed was good for business.
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Even more ironically, you were proven right in the long run- the pledge of allegiance every morning in school is just many ways of instilling the toxic nationalism that got us here.
But no teacher wants to deal with that minefield, so it's easier to slap it down.