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Oh no! I've been a lil less doom and gloom here but I suppose there's always at least one in the group. 😒 sending you
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What a beautiful baby. I'm so sorry. This is such a hard thing to see your little babies sick, hurting and/or passing. I'm glad she wasn't alone. May the day when the grief is not as strong as the wonderful memories come soon.
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No chickens for no foxes there may be a recall in your area. Choose another snack.
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Pickles your adorable!
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I won't say I agree w/them, let's also be mindful that "the cult" displays vengeance n vilify any that don't fall in line. Usually things r not so clear. Celebrate bravery, hold poor judgement accountable, and question motives, realize not everyone walks in courage. We r better then "the cult"
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Thank you for standing up for what you believed was right. Sometimes a display of passion and courage leaves you standing alone when you look around, but know there are ppl out there you can't see standing with you
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Oooo what a cutie pie!
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I can't argue that. It should if one is truly sorry 4 actions. Sometimes it may not be possible or it may be a step later in a long process depending the situation. Sometimes the I'm sorry is for the sake of the offender thou n not always for meant with the right intent even if thought otherwise.
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Agree they do not require each to exist but could coexist. While I logically know it's a stereotype I often find those that profess their religion loudest have more shame or maybe should, n intent or at least willingness to inflict pain on others if it serves them. their wants, their preservation.
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That's a fair point. I think of it more as designed 2 allow sinner to process and find a path to forgiveness not necessarily by others but of themselves so they can identify it was wrong, and know they can do better. Believe they r not the mistake and BE BETTER. but like many things it's manipulated