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Entomologist, Cecidologist. Researcher and Curator for Hymenoptera at MNHN, Paris.
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The fuzzy nautilus (Allonautilus scrobiculatus) was thought to have gone extinct back in 1986, until Peter Ward spotted one again in 2015! These nautiluses have a distinct thick, slimy, yellow fuzz covering their shell called a periostracum.

Demain 16h dans #SciencesChrono on parlera de la création en 1640 de l'ancêtre du "le Jardin royal des herbes médicinales" lieu d'enseignement et d'étude botanique appliquée à la médecine. Et dans l'entretien archéologique on parlera de la récente découverte du tombeau de Thoutmôsis II

Our new paper on taxonomy of Lebinthini in J. Orthoptera Research #OpenAccess: Lutinthus gen nov, Diablotinthus gen nov and Gnominthus hihilai sp. nov.: 2 new genera + 3 new sp of fairy-folk crickets from New Guinea with MK. Tan & C. Rhamadi

#CMINorwich25 @micronorwich Keynote talk is Charissa de Bekker on mechanism of Ophiocordyceps manipulation of ants 🐜 #ZombieAnts

A small gall-wasp, possibly Andricus quercuscalicsis, sitting on a gate near my garden today

Flower bud galls on fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) were found in Alaska, begging the question whether they ware due an unknown North American gall maker or the circumboreal distribution of the gall midge Dasineura epilobii, widespread in the Palaearctic 🦟 The answer ⬇️

🍃🟢 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝔾𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕒 🟢🐜 Pour ceux que cela intéresse, j'ai créé une liste de diffusion afin mettre en relation les chercheurs et naturalistes francophones s’intéressant aux galles de plantes. Lien d'inscription : #gall #entomologie #botanique

How many insects can you see in this photo? Believe it or not, there are five. This termite alate fell victim to four perfectly camouflaged assassin bug nymphs (Reduvius tarsatus) Their bodies are covered with minute setae that trap grains of sand and various debris, making them virtually disappear.

New OA Article: "Co-option and neofunctionalization of stomatal executors for defence against herbivores in Brassicales" Alliterative-titled News & Views: "Finding factors that enforce the multifaceted functions of FAMA"

Mr Ooencyrtus on very serious nugget wasp business 🖤

👇Ce que l’extrême-droite fait aux Sciences : une revue de presse. Ce nouvel obscurantisme, cette purge anti-science : c’est une dystopie.

USDA scientists terminated from Cereal Disease Lab in St. Paul

The most recent lecture I gave on Oak Origins at The Morton Arboretum was really nicely recorded and is available for free online. This is the fullest and cleanest version of the lecture I've given to date, with some new info. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share.

Public Environmental Data Partners archives climate datasets, uploading copies to public repositories and cataloging where and how to find them if they go missing from government websites. Scholars explain: #climatechange #data #epa #NOAA

This katydid from Ecuador has been affectionately named by photographers "candy-cane katydid". The truth is... we are not sure which species it is. One possibility is a Harroweria nymph, but until someone witnesses the transformation into the adult stage it will remain a mystery.

This is a cool paper on the repeated evolution of a behavior that keeps ant colonies cohesive.

The environmental cost of war is part of the human cost of war. 🇵🇸 🌍

This one is an absolute stunner for #TrilobiteTuesday!! Those eyes ....

CC here we go, this chrysomelid is INDEED "trenching" the leaf tissue to cut off the flow of gross-tasting sap/latex to its desired feeding area...

Our new paper, based on data from 1,705 studies, shows that pesticides are toxic to organisms they are not intended to harm, including fungi, microbes, plants, insects, & vertebrates such as ourselves. Questions the wisdom of applying over 3 million tonnes of them every year...

Old friend just laid off by USDA, 1 mos short of his probationary period as senior researcher. Brilliant person who left a tenured faculty position several yrs ago to join USDA. Bright early-career researchers also being laid off. USDA is terminating a generation of highly-qualified scientists.

A consequence I didn’t expect from many federal workers in #entomology losing their jobs was the sudden loss of data, new species images and keys. Normally, they have time to gather taxonomic keys or images for publication, but since they were terminated abruptly, that material is now locked.

Never know what you're going to find in the NCSU Insect Collection! 🔎 This very charismatic #beetle was among many interesting specimens in unsorted drawers. 🔬 Anyone want to guess the family? #Coleoptera

USDA firing the newest hires across the board means they are purging experts relevant to new and emerging threats; e.g., people who combat the Citrus Greening disease that's collapsing Florida's citrus industry. Just the dumbest strategy imaginable. Unless the goal is to collapse the US.

💗some pink macro scenes for your Friday💘 1 pink (usually green) grasshopper w/ erythrism (2005!, Oklahoma) 2 metallic sparkling rose-gold abdomen of Habronattus decorus (2021, OK) 3 fluffy Sosxetra grata moth (2014, Belize) 4 cute Pelegrina galathea jumper peaking out from my zinnias (2024, OK)

Gall midges and their parasitoids are abundant, megadiverse, and very hard to identify! Such "double dark taxa" systems present special challenges for ecology and agriculture. 🧵🧪🐙

Many thousands of talented probationary employees are being fired tonight by the federal government. If you have job opportunities, post them now and offer a parachute. Me first:

In case you didn’t know, the USDA and the University of Florida created a series of taxonomic training videos for the tiniest of taxa back in 2013. It includes tutorials on slide mounting and basic morphology. This resource is free to the public: #Entomology #Taxonomy

Today, the USDA lost experts in Psylloidea, Thysanoptera, Cerambycidae, Hymenoptera, Pseudococcidae, and Malacology. This is a devastating loss of expertise, occuring without warning. Their union's official statement on the issue can be found here: #entomology 🧪

Another account to block - all AI nonsense, and even replied to my posts:

absolutely delightful recent ("recent") paper blowing the lid open on a super rare genus of hydrophilid beetle. Two specimens collected ca. 1919, then NOTHING for decades. Turns out they were living INSIDE the flowers of Malaysian aroid plants

Some #moths have specially structured wing scales to make light reflect off the wing like the surface is curved! This makes their dead leaf camouflage even better! (I think this link should work, but if it doesn't let me know):

Small is beautiful! In a new pre-print in, a team led by Alexey Polilov do the first-ever 3d electron-microscopic analysis of a miniaturized eye: the 29-lens compound eye of a 0.2-mm-long parasitic wasp! (whole wasp image by Andrew Polaszek.)

Princess Mononoke... the fish! Inspired by the facial markings of this newly discovered species, researchers gave it a Ghibli-inspired name. Read all about it on the blog:

Baby got back. American Pelecinid Wasp (Pelecinus polyturator). Manitoba, Canada. #wasp #insect #InsektenSamstag #bugstodon #insectodon

(𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀) 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 If you have chickens. No predators are known for invasive land flatworms. I am interested in testimonies of chickens eating invasive terrestrial flatworms (videos needed). 🧪 My email here (bottom of page): #citizenscience

Sharing a bit of beauty - from field work in the ‘Tres Picos’, Brasil

I won't lie: after 3 weeks of experiencing almost unimaginably abundant and diverse Costa Rican nature, returning home to the Irish ecological moonscape is a visceral gut punch. But what Costa Rica shows is that it doesn't have to stay like this: nature CAN return. #Rewilding 🌍

𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗹 (𝘁𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗲́𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘂𝘅) 𝗮 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲. Si vous avez des poules, je suis intéressé par des témoignages de poules mangeant des Plathelminthes terrestres envahissants (surtout des vidéos). 🧪 Mon email ici:

I said I wouldn't post an update until completely finished, but given the circumstances, I'll just post where I'm at. Masona popeye will be replaced with Ypsilonigaster tiger. I have 7 left to do. I hope they're accurate enough. I can always redraw the ones with mistakes. Peace. 🕊️ #Wasps

🇮🇨 The Canary Islands host a total of 36 native species, 30 which are considered endemic. The newest of them is Porcellio aguerensis, described here: #taxonomy #woodlice #isopods

"The combined electricity consumption of the AI and cryptocurrency industries reached 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2022, accounting for about 2% of the global total energy consumption." 😮

I've been on Bluesky for a while now, but this is my first post! Here's an image of an uncommon family of wasps from South America, Plumariidae. This is a Plumaris malaris male. Science knows NOTHING about the biology of this group and only a few females have ever been found!

Whip spider (Paraphrynus laevifrons) covered with chloropid fly puparia. The parasitoid fly attacks the eggs carried by the female. When done, the maggots climb on the "childless" mom's back and pupate. She protects them during this period thanks to her motherly instincts.