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The Right’s growing success with working-class voters wasn’t won with policy papers or think tanks; it was built through media that speaks their language. If the Left wants to compete, it needs to build a media ecosystem that resonates.

The top 10% of earners now account for almost half of all consumer spending in the United States. Wealth concentration has made economic stability shockingly reliant on elite consumption.

Didn’t expect climate meme content but I’m here for it

Die #Photovoltaik-Statistik zeigt, wie die damalige Regierung 2012 den Ausbau abgewürgt hat. Darum ist China heute Technologieführer. Seit 3 Jahren läuft der Photovoltaik-Ausbau wieder. Das darf die nächste Regierung nicht erneut zerstören.

Schon gewusst? Kinder reicher Eltern bekommen vom Staat mehr Geld als Kinder von Normalverdienern. Und zwar bis zu 1.260 Euro im Jahr. Die CDU will das sogar noch verschlimmern. Warum ist das kein Wahlkampfthema?

It means the ratings agencies are way behind the curve. As I’ve been saying.

This is how fascism operates. In the 1930s the Nazi regime enforced strict control over academic institutions, censoring research and silencing dissenting voices. Many left Germany: Einstein, Born, Hahn, Meitner, Schrödinger, Szilard etc. etc. Today, US scientists are looking at moving abroad.

I've been encountering over the past few days the claim that the planet is warming twice as fast as predicted. This is entirely untruthful and unhelpful. The planet is warming AS fast as predicted, which is cause enough for dramatic action. The truth is bad enough!

A gentle reminder that if we miss the 1.5°C target (and we certainly will), the next target is 1.51°C and not 2°C. We need to keep fighting. Every tonne of CO₂ emitted makes the job of future CO₂ removal harder, and every 0.01°C of temperature increase makes the world more chaotic and dangerous. »COVER COMING SOON« I don’t care about the crust, just GIMME THE BREAD!

My forthcoming book with Peter Hotez: