Had to go with alternate spelling on atheists; Husband, Literature teacher, rescue dog dad x2, liberal AF existentialist disgusted with America, looking for intelligent life on this planet. I miss John Prine, Prince, the Ramones, and Vonnegut. 🖕47. No DM's
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I keep saying that to my wife. How can there be no checks and balances in every aspect of the govt. I know Trump is all about the loopholes but it seems to be all loopholes. There is no cheese in the Swiss cheese.
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That's what I have been saying. Could not agree more.
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I will bless them, if it can be done with heavy objects.
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I will be happy to fall in if he goes first. Clarence Darrow said, "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."
That sums it up for me.
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He has already done too much damage. He is sitting with crucial private info in his personal belongings. I know it is healthier to have hope but every day he takes big chunks out of this country. I don't know if you rely on SS, but I do, along with millions. Patience is a luxury.
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I am rooting for cancer to invade every inch of that son-of-a-bitch's body. Still too good.
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He is the only thing that makes sense. How fucked up is this situation that I am wishing there were more Luigi's in the world.
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It's getting to the point, where I am slightly rewriting Designated Survivor in my head, just to find a happy place.
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Such a good question. I think bravery and resistance is needed from everyone, from our elected leaders, the media, and the public. Just like they are trying to shock and awe us, we do the same and push back on EVERYTHING.
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Pyramid of Miscreants on the Denial River
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Perfect idea
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So far the media has been terrified the whole goddamn time. They have normalized everything. For God's sake, they were afraid to say Nazi Freak Boy had given the "heil Hitler" salute.
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I am pretty sure he just wants quality postal service for all and to have access to my birthday money from my grandmother.
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Bob is God.
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I have severe depression and I blame prayer. If there was a god, there would not be a trump.
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I have loved that song for decades. He put to rest people thinking he was a gentle Christian singer.
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I’ve said it elsewhere, but there are men, and then there’s MAGA. Never should anyone confuse the two.
Zelenskyy has more courage in a single follicle of pubic hair than Trump and his entire administration will have in a lifetime.
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Trump hates him because he feels impotent compared to Zelensky's bravery and heroism. Trump is a pathetic weakling.
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How about me?
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I will be the first in line to dance a jig on the orange fuck's grave.
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Every day I think there is no possible way I could hate the orange miscreant more. Then, a few minutes into the next day, I hate him, and his minion, even more. Please, cancer, please, do your job.
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I am guessing he threw in his pancreas and a kidney.
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The problem is that he isn't just threatening, he is being allowed to do these things. People have lost jobs, our personal data is horribly compromised. Yeah, maybe the rule of law will prevail, but how much damage will be permanent. This is not a threat, it is an attack, and it is war.
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The simple reason he is doing this is because he seemingly is allowed to do it. I heard some feckless Democrats say that we have to pick our battles. The opposite needs to take place, fight every goddamn thing, and fight dirty, without remorse, and without mercy.
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Not sure what you are trying to say?
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Kevin, are you sure you vacuumed under the mats? You didn't bother last time.
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He's the one dressed in pink, right?
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This is one of the biggest travesties of justice in the US system. Just another anti-native assault from white America. Shameful.
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It is a sad, surreal, day when we have to discuss who the dumbest Republican is and have so goddamn many to choose from. They are all winners, or in this case, losers, pathetic, soulless, losers.
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Did someone say it was Air Force One?
No! Karma has some explaining to do.
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You. Are. Worthless.
You can't even back up your own diss, you stupid twat. Smug, but hollow.
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My God you are stupid fuck. We pushed liberalism further than anyone. We broke the status quo. Is it still a struggle? No fucking shit, stupid fuck. We actually got things passed that made rights possible for others. Was it perfect? Fuck you, what have you done, loser?
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Remember, they could give Ringo less.
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He was one of the most wretched POS I have ever witnessed. Making fun of Michael J. Fox's condition. Hope there is a hell and you deserve to be roasting next to him. If you loved Rush, keep it to yourself.
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Great post. Actually made me smile. My face almost cracked.
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Elon had more rocket crashes than Joe had plane crashes. Hypocrite fuck.
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Eeeeaaah, Iron Bird!!!!!!
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I swear the Trump admin is a doomsday device. I think he owns stock in the Rapture or is in deep with Russia. Good money on the USSR.
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I love Pete. I have wanted him as President for years. I can understand why he wouldn't since there are so many fuckwits that would not vote for him, not to mention let pure evil take charge. All of that being said, let's say "please", and hope he takes mercy.
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I thought I hated W, but I love him dearly compared to the orange, flaming bag of excrement. I wish for him the worst prostate cancer that a human can be struck with.
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If he puts me on a depression work farm, I am going to ask him to show me how to do it; however, I can't guarantee there won't be a hoe mishap or two.
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Why are you reporting me?
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I spent my career teaching banned books and will do so until they cart me away. I found my own funding to buy copies of Handmaid's Tale and Beloved. Teachers must fight back (and will) against academic and immigration tyranny. Zero tolerance.
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Dag Nabbit, the motherless goat, we call president, can take his bull twinkies and shove them up his fucking ass (oops, I thought I could make it without all the fiddle faddle).
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He does not deserve to be happy; you do. I do believe in the saying, the best revenge is living well. You owe yourself happiness, and he deserves to know he did not define you or your life. Baby steps, but move forward. Each step will allow you to feel more grounded.
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I lived through the 70's, but I never felt this hopeless. Nixon at least did a couple of good things (EPA being one) where the Orange Blob, zero. Nixon was horrible but Trump is taking it to a whole new level.
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Forgiveness is overrated. You have every right to be angry and bitter. That being said, I want you to be happy and however you can pull free of the gravitational pull of an abusive past, do so. It is certainly easier said than done since our pasts remain with us. Think of the future as in your power