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Physics graduate with a passion for exploring the universe, both through books and learning new languages. Always curious and eager to expand horizons!
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Sendo que o imposto é igual a uma penca de pais europeu onde você encontra o mesmíssimo carro mais completo e sendo vendido a preço de banana.
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Em relação ao combate ao fascismo, a Alemanha é um país que toma banho no xorume e diz que é limpinha afinal xorume é fluido igual a água.
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Limites mal feitos, utilizados majoritáriamente para suprimir denuncias contra o sionismo e perseguir apoiadores da causa Palestina. Enquanto permite marchas e protestos de extrema direita nazista, desde que não diga abertamente que é, suprime manifestações contra o genocídio palestino entre outras.
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"conservador a moda antiga"... Na Alemanha... 🙄
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But wait because it tends to get worst as US honeymoon with EU ended, I cant see western oligarchs keeping Ukr as an "exemple of high capitalistic life quality", it's higly probably that the country will fall in poverty and Ukr people will be blamed for their own misery because of "corruption". 🫠
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Victim blaming is standard for US imperialism, he would never say his country and NATO started this war, as germany will never say Nordstream was blown up by US.
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Oh the old conspiracy theory which will keep democrats not understanding what they are living and repeating the same errors. but yeah, sure Trump has interest in russia, much more when it was ruled by one more US asset ->like Putin. Unfortunately for US propaganda this asset went rogue.
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E isso o que estamos vendo é só a ponta do iceberg, ou esqueceram a reportagem do Caco Barcellos - Profissão reporter - onde ele mostrou assédio eleitoral e compra de votos em Coronel Sapucaia. Fato este que deve ter se espalhado por uma centena de cidadezinhas pequenas com prefeitos bolsonaristas.
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And there were the worst menace... If you don't openly support "western values" then you should be deported to - cites here any global south country who heavily suffered with western imperialism and is now poor or under a civil war - to learn how capitalism provides you with privileges.
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Just like Palestine supporters who are losing their jobs over "antisemitism", people who were not loud about supporting Ukraine risked their jobs as well. The punitive unemployment, for make sure everybody with a minimum capable brain understands their situation as slaves in this economic model.
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Since the start of the war I see that the only way for one keep the prestige in western society is openly supporting this endless war. If you're not loud about it you're not doing enough while whoever show a bit of rationality about what was going on were attacked by floods of NAFO bots.
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Não que eu esperasse muita coisa de estadunidense, mas fiquei triste com essa.
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"São símbolos incompatíveis com a suástica nazista", o otário querendo ser malandro achando que todo mundo é otário como ele.
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And they don't even need to go that far, just talk with Palestine supporters! For much less, for something that is innocuous to their government itself, they were getting persecuted, recorded, jailed, beaten, losing their jobs and hardly getting a new one (which means death in a capitalist society)
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They have such a tunnel vision based basically on what they know from Hollywood movies. Like... Bro, If things were so easy you think your country would have successfully kept nearly a continent under its dictatorship for 20 years or so officially? LoL
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Isso deve ficar uma loucura de bom!
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Banana amassada com leite condensado e canela?
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But point that out is merely Russian disinfo! They don't need Russian energy!
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Amo o Brasil e não queria sair daqui, mas a infelizmente isso aqui tá virando um evangelistão e se não bastasse machismo afetando o financeiro(salários menores, dificuldade de conseguir emprego etc) , temos uma onda crescente de misoginia devido ao fundamentalismo religioso.
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Eu esperava que a denúncia fosse ter alguma informação sobre investigação envolvendo isso, mas tem nada e agora tô achando que a reportagem foi um delírio coletivo, visto que na época ela deu o que falar no melhor estilo fogo de palha. 🤷‍♀️
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Foram ameaçados de ter linhas de crédito e ajuda como bolsa família cortados caso os números da contagem das urnas não fechasse com o "prometido", em resumo, não desse maioria pro Bolso. Eu vi essa reportagem uma vez e depois foi como se ela tivesse desaparecido, sendo que é algo a ser investigado
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Hey Camarote! Eu estava lendo a denúncia, passando sobre as tentativas de impedir eleitores de votar pela PRF. Me lembrei de uma reportagem que parece que simplesmente desapareceu! Era do "profissão repórter" onde um jornalista de cabelo branco pegava relatos de cidades pequenas, onde os moradores+
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Porque empresas de tecnologia norte americanas impulsionam o conteúdo dele e propagandeiam ele pelas redes. Com parte da grana pra isso saindo direto dos cofres brasileiros pela ausência de imposto e lavagem de dinheiro que definem o "agro" e a "bíblia".
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A mais completa certeza de que o povo é otário e só tem eles de malandro. Obvio que vai desaparecer da memória coletiva todo o apoio que os milicos deram pro golpe, principalmente porque os acampamentos foram em locais bem distantes dos quartéis.
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Atualizando aqui, não é o mesmo cara, esse que eu falei era da química e a princípio ele apagou a conta do insta (bom senso da parte dele ou autopreservação) mesmo que alguns desenhos continuem no Facebook.
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Esse não é o mesmo carinha que tem uma conta no Instagram com uma penca de desenho suspeito com "suásticas hinduista" espalhado por tudo que é canto e que deu polêmica ha uns anos atrás?
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Chamava de propaganda russa ou bot russo, ou ainda vinham com "mas o que um BRASILEIRO sabe sobre Ucrânia?"
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Brazilian problem with development mostly comes due US coups and US founded dictatorship. You might want to learn how US worked here to know what to expect of your future, as US oligarchs are using similar scheme in US.
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No, he got 8 years election ban before.
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A típica notícia que é inaceitável em todos os possíveis níveis.
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Poisé, eu acho isso meio burro até porque lá é uma luta que já começa perdida. Eles estão literalmente pensando que vai ser bom pra publicidade usar a rede social controlada pelo oligarga que está abertamente trabalhando pra dar um golpe neles 🤷‍♀️
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A impressão que dá é que o time que controla os perfis do Lula lembra do bluesky de forma periódica, como se fosse forçado. Enquanto nas outras plataformas a coisa é tratada de forma orgânica pela equipe. Uma pena.
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Here the democratically ellected government of Ukraine - a US puppet - supporting the democratically ellected government of Brasil - another US puppet, before Ukraine war. As said Steve Bannon then "winning ellections". which is now a standard used by US big techs
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Im considering sending you a list of good sources but at the moment all your arguments are so filled with straw man fallacies that im still convinced it would be a waste of time. BTW I gave you one ukranian-canadian source for you to read, it will already help you to make sense of whats going on.
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There is a nice work of investigation by Ivan Katchanovski about Maidan which will help you understand what happened. But yeah, all colourful revolutions used good intentions and a lot of US money to move people in protests, that's why US often complains it's expensive and slow, but worth anyway.
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Millions of ukranians are victims of imperialism and yes, they dont have agency of their own destiny because that's what imperialism does. You're mixing people with a country (its government and its oligarchs), there is a HUGE difference between these two, US people is discovering it now.
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Ukraine is not fighting for survival, Ukraine is dealing with the results of an US coup that was sucessfull after 2014, following a wave of coup attempts in global south. Before war we had UKr embassies helping US sucessful puppets everywhere, even now we can find UKr soldiers working with IDF.
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It's a secret if you're nearsighted to relly your knowledge mostly on western sources, which is standard mainly for north americans, including US academics, not for the rest of the world. Western governments care for ukraine deaths as much as they care for sudanese or palestine deaths... they dont.
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Trump is just dumb enough to talk what US and all western countries were thinking about Ukraine in first place. He wasn't dumb enough to openly talk about how US used Ukraine war to keep EU dependent of US because that requires another level of understanding out of Trump's scope. 🤷‍♀️
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We're not talking about historical crimes but about things currently happening. Yes, all support for Ukraine is merely propaganda, no one of those governments supporting war cares for Ukraine people or Ukraine sovereign, they only see their own pockets and how Ukraine can be used to fill it.
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They haven't done it before, under Democrat administration, when it was easy to do, they definitely won't do it now. Probably everybody is just expecting to receive their cookies from the said oligarch, a gift for not having acted while they could.
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Welcome to imperialism! It's literally the standard treatment of western countries to the global south. But untill mass propaganda to keep people supporting war in Ukraine, nobody paid attention to it while normalized blaming the victim.