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Absolutely! What my dog shits has more brain capacity than that ape from Georgia
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Feck your reform, farage! You’re a fecking Nazi!
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Nigel, you shag’em all -if they let you (I have my doubts…)
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And he should add if those receivers are republicans or democrats.
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Korrektur: das hirnlose Faschogesindel der afd und auch der cdu/csu
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Excuse me for correcting you - that bitches name is “von Storch” and that’s such a disgrace for that bird (Stork)
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And one second before he took his thumb out.
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Wenn sie denen zu schlau daherkommt besteht die Gefahr dass sie für intelligent oder sogar intellektuell gehalten wird!
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Oh, ich schon! Wie die Nazi-Tusse das aber findet, das wird man sehen.
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German here. Unfortunately we got about 25 % of our population here thinking Hitler wasn’t as bad and they want history no longer taught to kids in school. The AFD is the Nazi-party but the CDU is also following their track because flies are attracted by the same shit.
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They don’t care about the money. They wanna keep em busy and distracted
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Viel zu wenige!
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Hey, where are your parents? Who’s seen the parents of these three?
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Well, not that it matters but thx for that information! I’m following your channel from Germany and I (and my wife, she’s from Wyoming) hope that you Americans will soon be pissed off enough go get that thing in motion that Tracy Chapman or Gil Scott-Heron are singing about, ya‘all know what I mean?
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Sounds like a plan…
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I heard people here in Germany saying the same. Brain drain, baby!
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In Comic sans please
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Hearing about your loss is very saddening and it makes me dread the day my little furry companion will go over that rainbow bridge. But love unfortunately includes loss. And the pain you’re feeling shows how much you loved her. I am sure she was very special, remember the wonderful moments with her!
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Err… you said it’s not normal… There’s not a *normal* decision made by that “government” so far and I doubt that there will be made one *normal* decision for the next 1400something days
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Ach Mensch, ja - wo du das jetzt so sagst… dann sollten am besten alle mit’m Arsch zu Hause bleiben… richtig? Wäre dir das lieber? Am besten Nix tun, bringt ja eh nix?
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At the beginning of COVID, toilet paper was the new GOLD in Germany, looks like you found yours. Does anyone of you guys know Jack Reacher? Where is he when you need him - to fix the orange problem?
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I believe it was 12 of millions - or 13?damn! I don’t remember!
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He’s a killer
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Das ihr euch nicht schämt! Euer Vorsitzender stimmt GEMEINSAM mit einer anerkannt rechtsextremen Partei für ein Gesetz, dem man mit der Bezeichnung “menschenverachtend” schmeicheln würde. Ich kann nur sagen: Nazis raus! Und euren Drckshaufen gleich mit!
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Since I met my wife, almost 8 years ago, I’ve never done that. I know about her anxieties from the very beginning. She’s doing so much better because she knows that she’s safe here and nobody’s going to hurt her. I’m so proud of her.
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Make them knock harder! Don’t stop! Never ever stop!
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I mentioned that last week…👍🏽😄
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Wir haben hier bei mir im Ort auch welche (gehabt), die am 20. April gefeiert haben usw. Haben alle mittlerweile den Löffel abgegeben. Das Nazi-Problem ist aber immer noch deutlich. Im Osten ist das aber wirklich noch ein paar Nummern schlimmer. Man könnte kotzen. Und dann kommt sowas wie Merz… 🤬
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Mrs. Warren, you said “think hard” - I’m afraid nobody expects them to even “think”
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I’m out of words, sorry folks. US is a 3rd world nation and a hopeless case . Never thought I’d say this because it’s where my wife is born and as it looks I will never have a chance to meet her family. Condolences from a German.
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I’m waiting for someone from wh to come up with the idea to give bleach injections to the chicken.
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But not one of them would admit that… good luck America
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Bei mir genau das selbe. Zum kotzen.