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•A pro 🐻 S/DOM who like bondage, puppy play, SM play, etc. •Slim/ fit subs preferably. •🚫BB, CF, dick photo trading •Face pic available in telegram, gv urs b4 u ask for mine.
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在马来西亚第21次调教, 上次漏发了, 第一次见面就把小鲨鱼玩得惨兮兮 菊花被我完成太阳花, 看看他手臂上的绳印, 和被驷马可爱的样子, 不禁让人喜欢, 我真的对运动鞋情有独钟, 越花俏越喜欢。 These photo were forgotten last time, played my son so much in 1st met🤣 His little daisy was enlarged into sunflower. I like the rope marks so much n the hogtied, it was really cute.

平安夜,失身夜,有没有KL的狗狗,还是奴奴要失身? 瘦/壯、可爱、耐玩,三项满足两项就可以报名🤭 名额三个。 Any pup/ slave wanna hv a session on xmas eve in KL? Slim/Fit, Cute, Durable, those who can meet 2 of these 3 requirements can sign up. Only 3 slot available🤭

调教出门公干的小儿子, 他为我付出了很多, 为什么他是儿子, 其他的奴是奴或者狗狗, 那肯定是有原因的🤣 小儿子真的很乖, 明明不喜欢当狗, 但是还是为了我玩的开心, 稍微当一下下, 他可以自豪的说, 俺也是灌过尿的人了🤭 A session for outstation son, I dare to say he contributes a lot in our relationship, tats y he is son not pup/ slave… he can proudly say, i hv been urine enema🤭

宝贝儿子是很好玩的, 看看他的肌肉线条, 多么可口, 结果涂了太多油, 夹子夹不住🤣 My dear son is nice for playing, u can c his body figure outline, slurppp, but I applied to much of oil on his body even clamp cannot stay n kept dropping🤣

第一次跟宝贝儿子玩, 一进去就被我偷袭, 然后让纯白伺候他, 谁知他居然软了🤣 这次也是为数不多玩野裸的一次🤣 骚狗狗就爱拍骚照, 这个老狗把戏可不少… 1st time played with my dear son… Ambushed him and ask another pup to serve him but he juz get soft🤣 I seldom hv outdoor play, whi say old dog can’t play new trick, tis dog apparently know how🤣

2/2 这是JB细狗去深造前最后一次跟我玩了。让他伺候我抽烟还有舔我的脚。 小狗狗能有什么坏心思呢,无非就是想要和主人泡澡罢了😝 Tis is last time JB skinny dog played with me b4 he went to study. I ordered him to serve me while I was smoking n also ask him to lick my feet😝 Wat else can a pup desire besides of bathing together wif Master🤣

1/2 这是JB细狗去深造前最后一次跟我玩了,他想挑战屁屁塞香蕉,但是屁眼不争气,撑不住😝 那个绳子不得不吐槽,尼龙材质的,虽然是没有弹性,但是滑得要死,难绑… Tis is last time JB skinny dog played with me b4 he went to study. He wanna challenge insert banana into his anis n feel the fullness in his stomach but hs anus could not hold it. The rope is very lousy, too smooth 🤣

JB细狗 这个应该是他最后第二次跟我玩, 这次也很好笑, 他中了covid, 玩到第二天晚上才知道, 可是我才跟他亲亲过, 还一起过夜, 幸好我没事🤣 Tis is the 2nd last time I play wif him. He was covid infected n I kissed n slp wif him however lucky enuf, I m safe… I wont risk my own health but he started fever in the 2nd nite n swab then we know wat happened🤣

这是JB细狗在离开马来西亚前, 最后一次跟我玩, 他这次真的很乖, 也表现的很好, 但是最后一次了才表现, 证明以前都是故意的, 还是得好好打一顿… The last session of JB skinny pup with me b4 he left Msia… He was very obedient n cooperative tis time, did very well, but still hv to rotan him coz I believe he had known all those pup thing but he dun do intentionally…

我居然5个月没有发东西了,都快忘记还有这号了🤣 It had been 5 months I din make any post, should edit some photo n start posting again🤣

简单才是王道,又简单又紧🤣 好主人就应该帮狗狗好好庆祝生日🤭 Easiest bondage makes tightest restraint🤣 A good master should celebrate his pup’s birthday appropriately🤭

我会尽量满足M的要求, 甚至是过量的满足🤭 我太高估这个细狗的臂力了, 应该在他的臀部也做固定, 下来的时候, 他其实已经脚没有知觉了, 可是他就是不讲, 还讲很爽, 小心截肢🙄 主考虑不周, 奴又觉得自己可以… 这样就很容易发生意外, 所以要反省…. I mostly over-fulfill M demands🤣 Over-estimated his capability tis time, suspended until numb n unable to walk while released… Luckily nothing unfortunate happened…

为什么要帮小瓜做一件小裤裤呢? 因为他想被像第三张图一样打屁股😁 I made a rope skirt for tis skinny pup co he wanna be spank like the pic😁

又忘记更新了🤣🤣🤣 这应该就是幸福的狗狗吧? 可以这样被主人玩🤭 Forgot to update again😂 I think he should be so enjoyed having a dom who could play with him like tis🤭

第一次和JB小细狗一起出门… 小家伙脱困的技术越来越厉害, 当然要越帮越紧啦🤭🤭🤭 1st time traveling wif JB skinny pup… It bcom more skillful in escaping, so I hv to improve my bondage skill to increase the difficulty of escaping 🤭🤭🤭

小狗狗撒娇能有什么坏心思呢? 无非就是要主人喂东西吃而已嘛🤭 An adorable pup asked for hand feeding from its master by act cute🤭

小细狗最爱的捆绑🤣 Skinny pup favourite play, bondage🤣

居然将近一个月没有发东西了🤣 真的忘记了, 今天加更吧… Haven’t to make post for 1 month🤣 Make two today🤣 我的木乃伊技术不好,各位将就看吧😂 Not good in mummification🤣

JB细狗3.1 有狗自远方来,不亦乐乎! 良犬好足,恶犬拒之, 舐主以舌,方得主惜🤣 舔脚只有一次和N次🤣 JB Skinny Pup 3.1 Only 1 time n N times for a pup to lick master feet😁

JB细狗3.0 我一般都是在外地玩,但是这次是第一次有小狗狗来我家乡找我玩,有狗子远方来,不亦乐乎,当然得好好虐一顿,让它当自插当毛巾架,然后再好好的把它电醒,让它再继续服务🤭 JB SKINNY PUP 3.0 I usually play in KL or JB, it was the 1st time a pup came to my hometown itself for play a session, of coz I hv to show him my hospitality🤭

JB细狗二调 一个不懂得伺候主人,还迟到的细狗,当然得趴在床边,准备被打屁股🤭 Pic 1 Hogtied Skinny Pup Pic 2 CBT Skinny Pup Pic 3 Skinny pup tat was gonna be caned due to late coming Pic 4 Teaching skinny pup how to serve master he dunno it is pup obligation

#好文分享 「要當一隻健康的狗狗,先當好一個健康的人類。」 大推,希望大家能認識人形犬 :3 譯者: 譯自:

JB细狗第二调 一开始,他是不敢舔脚的,但是,二调一进门就被打了一顿杀威棒,乖乖硬着JJ舔,证明他还是喜欢我的脚的😂 JB SKINNY PUP 2ND He dare not to lick feet at the 1st time, however lick with erection in the 2nd time after caning str8 after he came into room😂

I din jio him anymore coz i tot wat I like n my training direction din suit him after 1st time. I do both think both of dom n sub need to enjoy the bdsm session. He however ask me to play him again after 1 month, n he willing to follow my training plan. So he bcom the my 1st regular sub in Msia…

JB细狗2 第一次调教他的时候,感觉他喜欢的和我的调教方向很不一样一样,就不找他了(我认为调教就是要双方都获得愉悦)但是,一个半月后,他主动找我了,令我有点惊讶,他也愿意配合我,按我的意志调教他,这个真的有让我很开心,所以自此以后,我就和他固定,一个月到一个月半玩一次,从一次一天,到一次两天,都是他solo的…

我决定了,做一个JB细狗系列,讲诉调教他的心路历程… I decided to make a series post about how I trained JB Skinny Pup, while he is not a good learner🤣

要约玩的请先点下面的link(google sheet而已,不要跟我讲诈骗,诈你毛啊)看下我的Bio和要求(总共有三个sheet),再tele我不迟😁 Pls read my Bio n requirements (3 sheets in total) in the link below (juz a google sheet link) b4 u wanna make a session appointment with me😁

JB细狗 谁也没想到,这个一开始配合度最低的细狗,最后是最敢玩的狗狗,可以配合我任何条件,可惜了,去了外地念书,手艺和之前比好了一点吧,原本以为只会玩一次,没想到回去一个月后又主动找我了🤣🤣🤣 A disobedient pup which i tot will only play once with him however call me 1 month after 1st session🤣🤣🤣 No more JB session due to he study overseas d, quite miss him… Looks like I m getting old😂

1st ropework after MCO, no practice for 2 yrs, looked bad, but the naughty boy brought me a lot of fun😁

Jakarta is a paradise for those who hv fetish of uniform & boots😍 is the 1st latex pup n also 1st latex enthusiast I played in Malaysia, a btm with large dick who dun like to b locked🤣 I wonder if he like to b lock now🤔

Thanks for inviting