Beardy bloke, Francophile, borderline eccentric. Living in Normandy, cat-herd (13 currently in the flock). A glass of red would be nice, or a Ricard....OK, I'll have a Ricard! Santé!! #FBPE, #GTTO
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We're up to 14 now, and no room for any more (no room for half of ours, tbh!! 😸) Sorry!
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Bonne année!
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Over here!
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Quite a lot of unsold stock that needs shifting in a hurry then?
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Definitely #internationalTalkLikeAPirate day today - I'm sure I saw a poster in Aaaarrrgos recently!!
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Living in France now; very nice, but far too far away from the sea!! 😿
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There's a memory from the past - loved that series (not least because it was all filmed around our way!!)
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Here's a follow from France!
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Certainly had more than our fair share of dampness in Normandy so far this summer!! 🌧️
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With Red Mollie?
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Certain movies are good sources of names nowadays - we've got a Hagrid, a Ron Weasley & an Arthur Weasley (and ferals that we feed named Remus and Snowbelle) A couple with typical French names - Hervé and Minou, and various other descriptive names such as Smudge & Panda.
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Yes, back in the 1980's! Drove up from the South Coast of England in my old camper van, top speed 56mph. Took forever!
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Visited many years ago - incredibly atmospheric, especially being the only people there at the time!
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Is that Callanish?
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Quick wash programme, no spin, easy on the softener 😹
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Guessing that's instead of the habitual plague of frogs or locusts or whatever...
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Never known a start to the year like this! Very glad we're quite high (300m) and not near any rivers - although the water table must be almost that high!! However, no doubt come summer we'll be talking secheresse again, and the Loire will be virtually dry downstream!
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Wow! Apparently Meteo France are saying the next 3 months are likely to be warmer than normal (new records possible) but they're being remarkably reticent as to whether the rain is going to stop!!
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Sure most of us could still find a decimal happenny down the back of a sofa or in a drawer somewhere!! 😆
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When I was a kid in the 60's, I thought we were posh, as we had two TVs, but no - one had sound but no picture, and the other had picture but no sound!! 😆
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Remember when this first came out - couldn't afford it (I was still at school) but one of the music papers (NME probably) gave away as a freebie one of those floppy plastic 7" samplers for it, same sleeve etc. Still got it somewhere, doubt it plays any more!!
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Yes, back in the day, tickets were pocket-money prices, usually (in the UK) around £2, and cheaper than the associated LP!!
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Imagine you're 16 years old, and going to your first ever proper gig. We'd booked tickets for Deep Purple (Portsmouth Guildhall), and the support band was Nazareth (just after Broken Down Angel was released as a single). What an introduction to live music that was!! Blown away!!
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The noise a horny cow makes when calling out in hope to other horny cows is quite something.... especially when there's one either side of your house!!
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I've still got a couple of bits that I collected off our beach over 10 years ago that still haven't dried enough to burn! 😆
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I'm seeing the Milky Bar kid - but that might be a purely English reaction!! (...or is it John Denver?) 😆
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Free fire wood!!
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£10 million? That's not a donation, he's buying a peerage!!
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Good morning back at you, from France 🇫🇷 🌧️
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June Tabor - amazing voice, so many brilliant tracks to choose from!
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Presumably she just took it off when she did the washing-up....
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Welcome - you've had a lucky escape!
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We're in the Bocage, rather than by the coast - nearest big town is Vire, as it happens!! Very green, very rural, lambs in the field right next door......
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Dry in Normandy right now, and that's not something we say often!! 🌧️
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Thunderbird 4, without a doubt!
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It's a good question! We live in France, so when I was back recently I visited quite a few shops for English goodies!! I'm thinking Asda, or possibly B&M....or was it Sainsbury's? Sorry I can't be more specific 🙁
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I found flakes in the UK just before Xmas - they do still exist! Nothing else has the right amount of crumblyness for topping a trifle!!
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Saw Donovan once at a festival - obvs he did this, but virtually his entire set was his past hits, and it's only at times like that when you realise just how many truly classic songs he had !!
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Superb song - written by Ewen MacColl for his partner Peggy Seeger, if I recall correctly!