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My own photos and video clips of birds, some assorted wildlife and the occasional bit of scenery. Longer videos and live streams of birds from Kent in the south east of England on YouTube here:
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Angry #Swanday ? This mute swan is really unhappy with its reflection in a window thinking its another swan and tries to peck and barge it #birds #ukbirds #swan

Apparently Jackdaws mate for life, I think the one on the left may have some regrets in the choices made. (CCTV from a couple of years ago) #birds #ukbirds

Male and female ring necked parakeets, which are very common in my part of England. Some of the males have quite a blue neck/head, you can see how they selectively bred a blue strain #birds

A little Eurasian wren climbing on a concrete post and chain link fence, looking for insects. #birds

CCTV video from a couple of years ago, a Eurasian jay lands on the bird feeder, not sure if it's the jay or its meow sound the house sparrows don't like but they hide in the bush below making warning calls, that seems to annoy the jay who screeches back. #birds Full Video:

A female blackbird running around on the ground searching in dirt and leaf litter looking for food. Quite a bit of dirt was stuck on its beak! It was cold afternoon so quite fluffed up when not moving #borb #birds #ukbirds

The long tailed tits also seem to like the row of buddleia bushes, they must attract a lot of insects even when not flowering. #ukbirds #birds

The sun was setting and the temperature dropping so this European robin was very round! #borb #birds #ukbirds

There always seems to be a dunnock on the ground under the bird feeder picking up the food the other birds drop, they seem to be happy spending a lot of time hopping about. #birds #ukbirds

I quite often hear long tailed tits calling in the trees, but they seem to prefer hunting for insects to any food I offer, only usually in cold weather do they come for some suet. #birds #ukbirds

This little chiffchaff was working its way along a row of buddleia bushes, darting from twig to twig looking for insects on the underside of the leaves, it sat still on a branch for a second to look around. #birds #ukbirds

I'm in quite a urban area, red foxes keep their distance, but they're not really scared. Late in the afternoon this one was just laying on the grass, watching me, watching it. It must have thought I was too close as it stood up, walked another 5m further away and lay back down. 🦊 #fox #ukwildlife

Pairs of jackdaws visit the bird feeder in pairs and ring necked parakeets have to wait. They sit there patiently waiting for their mate, holding their takeaway food. A gust of wind shows their size is just fluffed up feathers. Arguments are common #birds #jackdaw

A reed bunting doing pretty much what you'd expect from it's name, hanging on a reed eating from the seed head. It was almost sunset and several of them were making their way along the riverbank moving from reed to reed, but most were obscured by other reeds #birds

This the male blue tit going to bed, I say it's a male as it slept there all through the last 2 breeding seasons, If I didn't happen to see it once I'd never know it was there, it's above the door on a single story extension. he usually goes to roost much later than the one in the nest. #birds

It took 4 minutes for the blue tit to fluff up into a ball and fall asleep, I think this is a female who's slept in the box every night since July after nesting elsewhere. A male blue tit has slept in a gap under my roof every night for 2+ years (video is 10x speed) #birds

It's rich picking for a European robin on the ground under the bird feeder, picking up seed and bits of fat ball the birds above have dropped, so much choice it just ignores the food dish! #robins #birds

The sun finally came out today, and the starlings were squabbling over the fat balls in the bird feeder. #starlings #birds

The blue tits seem happy eating suet from the walnut shell, probably because the larger birds leave it alone apart from the occasional starling #birds

The last few days a male blackcap has been eating the suet from the walnut shells so I spent all morning trying to take some pictures of it, of course it didn't show but the blue tits are always willing to pose low res video #birds

Maybe the collard dove was up for a bit of revenge, the starling made a very nice soft landing spot, and was soon kicked out the way, it didn't seem to stop it eating. #birds #starlings #doves

I'm not sure if the grey squirrel is actually trying to catch the ring necked parakeets or just chasing them away, they sit there screeching and growling at it when it's on the feeder, the dislike seems mutual. #squirrels #parakeet #birds

The jackdaws rule the bird feeders and ring necked parakeets know to keep out the way. I'd love to get better photos of the jackdaws when there's 2 pairs squabbling and they fluff themselves up to look big, but they seem really timid and spook easily #birds

Starlings are the hooligans of the bird world, this collared dove just wanted to eat in peace, but ended up getting assaulted! #birds #starlings

It's unusual for the ring necked parakeet to actually share the bird feeder, they usually just chase off other birds and quite often their own kind too. The collared dove really has issues sitting on the bird feeder, has to keep its wings out stretched for balance. #birds

A grey squirrel on the bird feeder. Eat enough sunflower hearts and you'll need a drink! #squirrel

The European robin is also a skilled hunter of the suet pellets, it pounces on them making sure they can't get away, before swallowing them whole. #birds

For the last few weeks a song thrush has become a regular visitor on the ground under the bird feeder, It seem to like the suet pellets. For years I've only very occasionally seen them, we'll see if it sticks around for the rest of the year. Video: #birds

The female Eurasian Sparrowhawk tried to get some 'Asian fusion' food, but ring necked parakeets are also fast and agile, and managed to get away. One was brave or oblivious to the danger and stayed on the feeder. Unfortunately, I only got CCTV video of the encounter. #birds

The blue tit was not put off by the ice on the bird bath, I know cleanliness is important but so is not freezing! 🥶#birds

On a frosty morning, this fluffed up dunnock found itself a sheltered spot on the grass at the side of a path to sit down and eat some dried nettle seeds. The alternate light and dark marking form stripes or a chequerboard pattern depending how its sitting. #birds

There was a lone Redwing sitting high up in a tree in the evening sun calling, I couldn't see any others or hear any replies. Until this week weathers been quite mild here in NW Kent, only a few nights it's been freezing #birds

Starling are just as argumentative and noisy when bathing. Pecking, kicking and screaming at each other, while getting soaking wet in the middle of winter. #birds #starlings #birdbath Full video:

Front and back of a fluffy singing blue tit, who was making the most of the chilly winters sun, it sat there singing for quite a while #birds

A male house sparrow giving a 'friendly' peck on the beak to another, there's definitely preferred perches at the bird feeder. #housesparrow #birds

Not sure what was said, but someone doesn't look happy! #SwanSunday #Swans #Birds

Be careful out there, a lot of the UK is going to be very slippery and icy over the next few days. Not sure if this collared dove was enjoying skating 🤔 #birds

Starlings are always so loud and rowdy. They just seem to be a screaming mix of beaks, claws and wings when they argue over the bird feeder. #birds

Every Autumn/Winter a lot of dabbling ducks congregate here on the lower river Thames. They come for the free 'food' 💩 the sewage outflow provides . It's mainly Eurasian Wigeon, Gadwall and a few Teal ducks, but gulls are here all year round. Video: #birds

I hung up some suet filled half walnut shells on the fence, It didn't take long for the blue tits to find them, they really like suet but the main fat ball feeder is monopolized by the jackdaws and ring necked parakeets, so the suet balls don't last long. Video: #birds

Do you know the amount of effort it takes for a #robin to look its best for #NationalRobinDay and all the #FestiveDailyRobin photos, I spent 5+ minutes in this bath and most of that was me just washing my red bits! #birds full video:

Great crested grebes in their winter plumage, there was a bit of synchronised beak waggling, but it's too early to break out the full dance routing. #birds