opt out of the corrupt financial system
stop the war machine 🛩️
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Why not? Because your high school econ teacher said so?
If homes, healthcare, and college get cheaper every year then thats a good thing
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Nowadays the military funds longrange drones and killer robots.
You are the one consuming propaganda my friend
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Exactly… BTC is digital money while USD just whatever the Fed decides it is. BTC is traceable while USD is used for massive manipulation. Sure we got $2k stimulus, but Elon and Wall St got billions.
What is wrong with the NSA doing comp sci? US military funding also created GPS, touchscreens, etc
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The government wants you to think the US dollar is only inflating away at 2 or 3%
Inflation is different for every person. SP500 holders are protected. But for potential home buyers, inflation is more like 10 or 15%
Bitcoin is a generational thing, boomers dont get it because they dont need to
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Nope. Fuck putin
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If it weren’t for bitcoin, there is no way i could have bought our home or sent my kids to their amazing school
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Bitcoin is an inflation-proof investment. It makes the most sense for a young person. Here’s a stat:
Between 1776 and 2008, 800 billion USD were printed. Between 2008 and today, another 7 Trillion USD was printed!
3% inflation is BS, health insurance for my family went up 20% this year again
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Half of the world has never even heard of a tumble dryer, and they still dry their clothes fine. Every airbnb i have ever stayed in Europe has an indoor clothes drying stand.
Bitcoin is global internet money that no one controls. It is amazingly useful to me and hundreds of millions others
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Tumble dryers use just as much electricity. Is using a tumble dryer irresponsible? I hang my clothes to dry and I use Bitcoin.
Better than your 401k which is funding weapons manufacturing. Do u even know how much Raytheon u own?
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Nope, it works because its internet money. Not that complicated really
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You can look at stats online, its more fairly distributed than USD
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Gold doesnt work as a monetary standard in a digital world
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No, USD benefits hoarders, as can be plainly seen over the past 50 years. By printing money, the fed is subsidizing the rich while inflating away the value of poor people’s money. We may have gotten a measly $2k covid stimulus, but the top 1% got billions during that time
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For real tho, are you searching this app for bitcoin references or what? How did u end up in this thread?
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You clearly give enough of a shit to reply to me in this thread for no apparent reason
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*left* not *pedt* sry
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You should look up the gold standard, because obviously you have no historical context. We pedt the gold standard as a “temporary measure” to help fund the vietnam war. 50 years later that temporary measure is still in effect
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Central banks dont need to disappear, economies dont need to be destroyed. You are being a wild alarmist. Central banks just need to stop inflating the money supply (and they will). It harms poor people the most, making it harder to move up. Rich people are unaffected because they own all the assets
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Dont need luck i’ve got bitcoin. I’m a software engineer so i know how open source works. The only other project as widely collaborated on is the W3C that makes the web browser standards (HTML, CSS, and Javascript)
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Yes, Russia’s central bank also prints a boatload of money to fund their war machine
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Nah other central banks are even worse
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Why do you say that? There is no team, company, foundation, or group of people who have the power to change the code. Its a fully open source collaboration. Full node runners have the final say, and anyone can run a full node.
Do some learning before making absurd claims
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Chill dude. 50 years ago the gov had to levy a war tax to go to war. Now they just print $$$. Very few americans even know where and why our military is involved currently.
Bitcoin is a check on the money printer, they cant just inflate forever
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By defunding the war machine
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Correct, an undeclared war in syria among other places
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2021: 1009 deaths
2022: 844 deaths
Just google it, why are u asking me?
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Ok chicken little
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Lol u proved my point. Are you not aware of US military involvement in Syria among many other places?
Merry Christmas!
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50 years ago the gov had to levy a war tax to go to war. Nowadays they just print dollars, and americans cannot even name what wars we are involved in currently.
Bitcoin is a check against endless money printing
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Yup, that is the innovation of bitcoin. There will only ever be 21 million coins
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The limit of Bitcoins to be mined is hardcoded at 21 million. No other currency has an immutable supply
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You sound like one of those guys who refused to buy a smartphone because “theyre not that useful”
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The gov used to have to levy a war tax to go to war. Now they just print money, and everyday americans have no idea how many wars we are involved in currently. Bitcoin fixes this by removing the ability to print and spend endlessly.
90% of US dollars ever printed were printed since 2008
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We like to say “verify, dont trust”
Look it up yourself. Bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets on earth, and is owned by hundreds of millions of people
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We are moving forward toward a globally connected peaceful world with or without you.
You will understand one day
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Bitcoin is useful to me and millions of others. I bought my house with bitcoin.
Dryers are for lazy people who dont want to hang dry their clothes
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~130M households
- avergae household uses 12000 kwh (EPA)
- dryers are 6% (EPA)
- 720 kwh * 130M =93.6 twh
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Electric dryers in the US alone use about the same power as bitcoin globally. Are dryers destroying the planet? You are silly
I hang my clothes to dry and i use bitcoin. Which of us uses more power?
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True stories are the best stories
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Ok maybe u are one of those rare conscientious investors who doesnt buy index funds? Somehow i doubt it tho
You’ll understand bitcoin one day. Its like when you refused for years to buy a smartphone, until you finally tried out your friend’s iphone and were convinced
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My bitcoin doesnt fund war and oppression like your 401k does. Do you even know how much Raytheon you hold
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Lol its like the 7th most valuable asset on earth bro. How is it “worthless”? I bought my house with it.
You’re laughing because you are told to laugh. There have been articles for years about how “bitcoin will use more energy than the world produces in 10 years blah blah”, total BS
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I use it, along with millions of other young people. The instrinsic value of a neutral internet money that cant be controlled by any central party is absolutely massive.
I also use a clothesline. Bitcoin power usage is similar to tumble dryer usage globally. You are spreading propaganda
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The main argument for a strategic botcoin reserve is that Bitcoin is global, neutral, internet money. Really not that complex guys
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dollar coin is USD. It defeats the purpose if someone controls it. It has to be bitcoin because no one is in control of it. Really not that complicated
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Its the other way around. Military hegemony is encorced with the money printer. 50 years ago the gov had to levy a war tax to go to war. Now everyday americans have no idea how many places our military is active in.
A base asset with a hardcoded monetary supply can keep the fed honest
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People have been caught years and years later because their BTC address is finally linked to them. Historically yes BTC was used for money laundering, but nowadays its more risky than briefcases full of cash
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Why have price-earnings ratios continued to increase year by year? Corporate valuation are not based on fundamental value of the company, but on the expectation that you can sell the stock for more later on. The stock market is 90% speculative… because people need an alternative to the inflating USD
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I dont get it, why does Bitcoin make the economy dissapear?
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Bitcoin is seen as maga-money in some circles.
In fact Bitcoin is the only non-political money