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Wouldn't surprise me in the least if it is actually filmed years ago in Kursk, Altai Krai
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I disagree, they still have plenty of falling left to do before they are completely isolated diplomatically. There is also the domestic element in the US.
The Trump regimes existence hinges on supporting factions and every failure undermines that. There is only so much that people will tolerate.
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Presumably the US are obligated to continue providing security and intelligence if Russia violates the ceasefire, which they almost certainly will.
Imagine the damage it would do to US diplomacy if they tried to walk back on that agreement after Russia breaks the ceasefire.
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If I were to use a quote to correctly describe the war of Russian agression I would use this. Change one word and it is just as accurate.
"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them"
—Arthur Harris
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This is what we call a suspiciously specific denial.
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Is this the best he could come up with for a reichstag fire?
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Det lilla vi får se om livet i ockuperade Ukraine ger oss inga vidare förhoppningar för en återgång till normalt liv vid "fred", stenhård repression är vad som väntar där Ukrainsk identitet kommer förnekas och spillrorna som finns kvar kommer användas som mat till nästa gång köttkvarnen drar igång.
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Att skriva på fred till varje pris innebär också övergivande av de Ukrainare som hamnat på fel sida av fronten, en sida där oberoende observatörer inte tillåts vara så vi kan inte bedöma vad för öde som väntar för de Ukrainare som skulle överges men historiskt ryskt agerande kan ge en fingervisning.
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En fred som rullar ut den röda mattan för ett fortsättningskrig om ett par år är inte en fred, det är om man skall vara optimist, ett vapenstillestånd.
Kan konstatera att "hybridkriget" kommer fortsätta så vapenstilleståndet är värt lika mycket som det dasspapper det skrivits på.
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"Just about" in this case meaning it is entirely contingent on the results of the negotiations in Saudi Arabia.
I would love to be proven wrong but I do not expect intelligence sharing to resume, the trust is gone and it will take decades to repair the damage done.
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The whole method is fundamentally flawed, polling for 48 hours, announcing it only to his own audience and presenting the issue in a misleading and biased way.
This so called "vote" commits all the cardinal sins of public polling. A bad faith attempt at conjuring up legitimacy where there is none.
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The use of mapped out and marked minefields to discourage or slow down attacks is perfectly valid. We know where they are and can do cleanup afterwards.
Completely different is scattering mines everywhere to make the land uninhabitable with no concern for cleanup.
Intent and method matters.
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Translation: I want all the perks with none of the responsibilities, costs or commitments.
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If nothing else, the same fiber optics used to steer drones in combat conditions can be used to connect the frontline, with enough redundancies they will have something functionally similar.
Necessity is the mother of invention and Ukrainians have proved themselves very creative in this regard.
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Legacy aside, his own actions can speak for him as he has already been terminated from an internship at a cybersecurity firm for leaking sensitive data to competitors according to a CNN investigation. This by itself should have been a disqualifier for the job.
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Just knowing this can happen will make many drone operators disassemble their gear before first use, wasting time and sometimes ruin it before it even gets to do any damage. They will break their own weapons in an effort to protect themselves.
It is inspired, make the enemy do the work for you.
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Tycker personligen "moskvastaten" låter krystat i svenskt tal men det finns andra ord som korrekt beskriver en statsbildning som denna, ett välde, etymologiskt sprunget från ordet våld och som redan flitigt använts historiskt.
Envälde, Herravälde, Terrorvälde, Moskavälde
Klingar fint på Svenska.