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Cincy Til I Die ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
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Do you know if an internal cash trade is convertible to GAM in any way? Cause my first concern is making sure that Luca and Kubo get taken care of.
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Ugghhhh, if there's a western conference club with 500k spare gam and an open DP spot, I don't know why we won't rip the bandaid off.
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Oh crap, I stopped reading before that part. ๐Ÿ™ƒ That rule sucks ass, it actively punishes ambition.
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Wait, wouldn't all of this mean that the margin between what we sell him for and what we bought him for is convertible to GAM, assuming we sell him for like 5 million?
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... wut?
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Jk, just ran to the discord. Nobody missed it. Oh well, I know what kit I'm getting.
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ICYMI: the FC2 added a new midfielder.
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Get Kubo out of there. That's Dado's spot.
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Also, hard to be a poacher and an aerial threat when Lucho's on the ball, 20 yards away, dribbling head first into three defenders again and losing possession.
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Move Lucho, DP Luca, badabing badaboom.
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This sucks so hard.
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How sad is it that I'm excited for this?
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I don't know what I'm liking, but hell yeah Cincy.
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Same. If they thing I'm gonna change my ways on that, they've got another thing coming.
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My eye twitched reading this. When I say deep-seated, in my head it's deep-seeded, but it only matters if I'm typing.
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Also, Merry Christmas!
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It's all Bengals right now for some reason.
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Which were named after the Miami people, who we genocided and built the University on top of.
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The talent is there, the drive is there. Just needs to have more stamina and eliminate the massive occasional mistakes.
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That's not my point though. He was drafted, as was Semmle. One was secured via GAM to move up the waiver order, and the other via the trade of a draft pick. A more savvy scouting office would have skipped a step and drafted them themselves.
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I don't see it. The Aaronsons and Sullivans come and go before they can even establish themselves. And the proceeds don't get spent. Glesnes is past it, and Elliott's not far behind, so I'm genuinely asking: is there a Trusty or McKenzie in the pipeline? And if so, how long until they're sold?
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I think gametime tonight will be the real test. I think part of it is Laurel covering all kinds of sports, but I swear I've seen others sneak through, too.
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And I think history shows the 2019 draft had tons of talent. Just that FC Cincy's "technical staff" wasn't equipped to find it. No offense to Ben Lundt, whom I love. All offense to Franuel Amaya.
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But they shouldn't lean exclusively on their academy and whatever cheap DPs Ernst can get from Denmark. Blake, Elliot, Chris Donovan, Semmle, all drafted. At the very least, you get free training camp bodies. At best, I guess you get the greatest player in franchise history.
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This ain't it. The draft is antiquated, but as long as it's there, only a fool would completely ignore it. Absolute worst case, you can bring them in to bring competition into the 2 team. Even Miami found Yannick Bright. The message to the youth shouldn't be "don't worry, you're safe."
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The only negative I'd say is the keywords tend to pick up a decent amount of Bengals stuff. But this is still the first place I come when I get on.
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Lol, what did Jeff do to it?
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Words can't describe how lame this would be. No offense to San Jose, but he JUST took the next step, don't quit on it already.
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Lol, wasn't expecting Gatsby. Also, wild that that's literally where it is.
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Ehhhem, I think you mean Etihad Park.
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That's Nazmi Albadawi erasure.
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When I discovered why, I breathed heavily out of my nose and rolled my eyes.
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Albright and then sign Curtin, lol.
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One thing to note, you said new owners were the difference. It's the same owners, Chris Albright is the difference. Plus the embarrassment of the spoon years spurred on the spending.
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Trying to even figure out what this is trying to say.
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And every fan should be pissed. There's a reason everyone celebrated the super club losing to a 40 year old Brad Guzan coached by an interim nobody. And I say again, there's really no way to know if they're cheating, but they've done it before and only got caught because they outed themselves.
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The only teams in danger of folding are the ones that barely spend anyway. Do you think San Jose could attract fans if they won the spoon every year because everyone else can spend whatever they want? Parity is the STATED purpose of a salary cap.
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Because the spirit of the rules is to ensure parity. Kansas City couldn't do this. Salt Lake certainly can't. Also, that first "if" is huge. Jorge Mas discovered with Matuidi that the only way you get found out is by telling on yourself, there's no actual enforcement mechanism.
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Also, one of the least attractive in the world? They're insane. Steve Buscemi looks like a weird bug, but that's what makes him beautiful.
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Yes to Buscemi, no idea on the other one, probably actually nobody famous, probably just clickbait originally.
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This is just so tiresome. Even if they're technically compliant, the roster rules were created to prevent such a team from being built, not to mention maintained. It's gonna feel so good to see them come up short again, though.
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He being... Jorge Mas I guess?
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Oooo, I like this. Would be sad about each no for different reasons, but I can live with everything.
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What if I really need it today though?
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My club didn't get the memo apparently. :(
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Like a fever dream, especially if you've been drinking. It's triggering for me now. If the language starts to indicate a broadcast is about to end, it's a mad dash for the remote. clackclackclackclack whoooaaaOoOOAA
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You'd think a Canadian club would have learned Montreal's lessons.
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Why? Is that on Courtois or the ownership?
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I don't know how much better they could get under him, but the enemy of good is better. Unless they've got a surefire MLS experienced coach lined up already, this is a massive own goal.