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"Mainstream media" demonization is fascist propaganda designed to get you to say stupid shit like this. I don't need clarification when you use the rights own terminology in your misguided/misdirected anger.
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We were so hopeful when Biden finally got the burn pit injuries recognized and put 700,000 more veterans into VA care.
That's why the VA went on a hiring spree (which that context would be mentioned once).
Now, just months after our uears long battle seemed to be over, we are losing our doctors.
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The banana troll thinks it's wild that they are not the arbitration of grammar. You're right about that, though. I should know better than to engage with my lessers.
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Technically, you are wrong because the AP style book supercedes your cute elementary grammar lessons. Journalists have different rules. And you're wrong.
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Oh we wouldn't even bother funding such a study in the U.S
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Catastrophic? No. Would some kids die like they did when we had less effective vaccines? Yes. But a catastrophe of measles is not on the horizon given most people still do vaccinate.
NPR is a reputable news agency so it's not going to use words that inaccurately describe what's going on.
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AcTuAlLy there is nothing gramatically incorrect about starting a sentence with "And." And it's been done by the AP style/grammar leadership for 75 years.
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Pretty gross we have so many screaming for NPR to go the way of FOX. Keep repeating fascist lies that the media is the enemy. You fools are doing their work for them.
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You self proclaimed leftists do realize this whole "the media is the enemy" message is fascist propaganda from the right?
WHY do I see this propaganda repeated so often here?
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Is English your second language, fool? You obviously didn't understand half of what I've said.
I know he didn't have sex with them, which makes your use if the term whore even more blatantly misogynistic.
Don't you have a wife a kids to terrorize and abuse?
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Lol you sound like you enjoy the odor of your own farts so I'm not bothered by your opinions.
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JFC this is getting more coverage than that pedophile doctor from France who raped 300+ kids.
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You think they volunteer fulltime? That's called trust fund baby. Clearly you're out of touch and you should just read your AARP magazines.
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You think people get up and go to work 60 hours a week because we WANT to spend our time that way?
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Yes I do as I'm a teacher and we have bills to pay. None of us can work for free.
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Right. You'd do it for free every day? No? Whore.
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Abdominal sorry, but your misogyny is too goddamn obvious to be denied.
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Everybody does things only for money. Nobody goes to work every day for the fucking fun of it, genius.
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Lol says the Russian bot like a good boy.
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Shhhh. Russian bots are so dumb and obvious.
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Are you the author? Bit defensive and all over this thread, in'it ya?
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So...when this was written, it hadn't been released. Thank you for proving my point that this is nothing but gossip trash.
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But it's always a man.
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There isn't anything to review yet as it hasn't even aired yet, ya potato. Is this the gossip section of this complete rag?
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If they wanted a child and could guarantee them financial success beyond your wildest dreams without ever having to really deal with the sperm donor? Sounds alright.
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British manners sound like Trump the other day: you didn't thank me for making your job harder!!
Also British manners: we found that art 200 years ago. Nevermind where! It's ours now fuck off!
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Yes, blame all these women and not the MAN with 14 kids...
His behavior is despicable and disgusting, but let's trip all over ourselves to shift the blame from him. Typical misogyny in leftist spaces.
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Gene Hackman likely murdered his wife and the media can't stop covering it up to sing his praises. Bet he still got all the nods.
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Elon Musk telling everyone to hold on, it's going to get rough for them, as he raids our tax a new kind of fuck you. Stop pretending he's not robbing us blind and the suffering is for his benefit.
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Stop pretending that we couldn't feed the world if we appropriately taxed the folks hoarding 95 percent of the world's wealth.
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Nobody over the age of 23 thinks it's glamorous to be a "content creator" and nobody with a fully developed brain IA going to buy this story that it's so so hard.
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Unless she has six kids, bread making is not a money saving adventure JFC.
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"Anyone" can't drag legal cases out for years and years. That trick to delay/obfiscute justice is only available to the wealthy.
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If Christian charity EVER worked, we'd never need civil safety nets.
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LOL I'm "defensive" because some asshat has been calling me a Russian bot all day just because I called their stupid act of vitual signaling fucking pointless. I'll be sure to let our clients know you went without a kumbache today. It's gonna mean a lot.
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Maybe try to actually fucking do something for once rather than incessantly and pointlessly whine online.
Not buying a fucking coffee today isn't going to do fuckall for my clients, for the folks losing their jobs, or the people dying due to these policies.
Fucking nothing will come of this.
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This is also me you huge fucking spaz.
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And how did that criticize elections or the constitution, clown?
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Nobody did the first thing here. You are fucking unhinged. You don't have to be a Magatard to see that.
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What a crazy pants response JFC lol
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Lol I certainly do not hate protesting. I'm just not a fan of do-nothing virtual signaling.
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To make yourself feel good while the country burns?
Cool I guess.
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Unless a protest results in changes, yes, what the fuck is the point?
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I'm in the trenches, working in advocacy and directly lobbying our representative while simultaneously trying to serve victims of domestic violence and sexual assault while our funding is threatened at all levels.
You fucking DO something.
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Our "protests" consist of a few hours with signs and speakers. I've been to them. Weak sauce.
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Can you name the protest and the resulting legislative change?
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It's a do nothing measure that makes us feel good. It's the exact problem with liberal protests for the last 40 years.
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It's a way to make do-nothing "liberals" feel good about doing nothing.