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Getting Started

Szybko poszło. Po roku od inauguracji większość badanych negatywnie ocenia rząd Donalda Tuska. "51,5 proc. - taki odsetek Polaków negatywnie ocenia działania obecnego rządu - wynika z sondażu United Survey" - czytamy w czwartkowym "DGP". Komentarz:

#OtD 8 Dec 1871 Tang Qunying, revolutionary and women's rights advocate was born in China. The first woman member of the Chinese Revolutionary Alliance, she fought for women's suffrage as well as helping to overthrow the ruling dynasty stories.workingclasshistory.c...


Black Friday? ❌️ Bestie Friday more like! ✅️

Wow! 120,000 people took to the streets in Barcelona for the right to housing and against real estate speculation. #Barcelona #housing #protest

#OtD 24 Nov 1995 French workers took part in a massive general strike against welfare and pension reforms. Part of a movement which lasted from October to December, they were eventually able to force the government to scrap its pension plans stories.workingclasshistory....

I wrote about how, ultimately, to beat fascism we have to build the alternative. We have no choice but to build a better world.

Pisałem o tym parę dni temu. W imię obrony januszeksów i patologii rząd ryzykuje miliardy z KPO.